Monday, March 22, 2010

Everyday Spring: Another Photo Contest

Remember our Capturing the Everyday Photo Contest? And all of your beautiful submissions?

We loved that. We thought it was fun and paradigm-altering, and inspiring. So we've decided to have another one. This time we're calling it "Everyday Spring." We want to see your photos that capture the essence of Spring time - rain drops, planting seeds, playing in the dirt, daffodils, six inches of late-March snow - whatever it is for you.

Here are the guidelines:

You keep your camera close by.

Capture a moment that is in some way indicative of the essence of "Everyday Spring."

Send us the image (just one, please) by this Thursday evening. You may include a caption/explanation of 50 words or less. Send to: aplacetobloom {at} gmail {dot} com

Please don't be discouraged if you don't have a fancy camera; we're more interested in the moment than the photograph.

We will select and display our top ten favorite photos (at least) and we'll ask you to vote for a winner beginning on Friday, March 26th. We'll keep voting open through the weekend and announce the winner on Monday morning (the 29th).

The prize for the winner will be a delightful "Package of Spring" delivered right to your door - adornments for your home, your stash of paper goods, your children's Spring collection, and yourself! Stay tuned Bloomers because tomorrow we will be spotlighting the individual prizes and they are desirable and darling!  

Good Luck!  We can't wait to see what you capture...


  1. I am far from the best photographer, but I think i could capture a moment ;D

  2. I can't wait to see the submissions -- we can all use some spring about now!

  3. How exciting! Now, to choose just the right image...

  4. I can't wait to see what everyone does... too bad that I forgot my camera at the in-laws this weekend :(
