Monday, August 15, 2011

We'll miss you


You might be surprised to learn that this will be our farewell post. (The picture above is us blowing you a goodbye kiss.)

Oh my darling friends,

It's difficult to know what to say when there are so many thoughts and feelings running through your mind and heart. Just as early 2009 brought about multiple conversations between Emily and me, discussing the possibility of a joint blog, 2011 ushered in a constant dialog about saying adios. We have felt it coming on, and now we just know it's time.

It is with a great, big, gasping sigh that we do it.

Partly a sigh of relief (because we have really worked hard to make this an interesting, inspiring place to visit).

And partly a sigh of sadness and tenderness. I have loved Bloom so much. I have loved the beauty of it (thanks to Emily Yates). I have loved the many guest posts. I have loved the Friday Forums, the giveaways, the photo contests, the home tours, the Christmas decor shares. I have loved the chance to write my feelings about being a mother.

Most of all, I have loved being here with you. You have supported us, shared our words with your friends, sent us tender emails of gratitude, and contributed to fascinating, important discussions. I felt a sense of community here--I have felt so connected to you, and I am really going to miss that.

Why say goodbye?

About a million reasons. Essentially--it's time. I told my husband, Taylor: "When I first became a mom, and felt so lost and out of place, blogs really helped me grow. I read blogs by women who made mothering look fun and beautiful. I started writing on my own blog and it helped me see my life through a new lens. I wanted to make that kind of my life for myself and my family. Bloom has helped me do that. But, whereas blogging used to propel me forward, it is now holding me back. There are so many things I want to do and make and feel with my children, and being tied to the cyber world doesn't make me feel free to do those things."

I feel a great need in my life to settle down, and to slow the pace of our life as much as possible. And to give my boys more quality time and attention. It looks like this: less cupcakes while the boys are neglected; more hiking and swimming as a family. less blogging while the boys run amok; more reading, painting, gardening, and baking bread together.

If you want to keep in touch, feel free to follow my personal blog, Anne with an 'e.' I will try to update it at least once a week.

I love you, dear friends. Thank you so much for being here and loving us.


Well, goodness sakes. I'm no stranger to writer's block, but tonight it feels especially thick. Part of me feels like I owe some sort of explanation for this goodbye and part of me feels like I have nothing to explain. The short of it is that my real life, the one with a pulse (4 actually) and noise and laughter and conversation and mess - it needs the part of me that I have been giving to Bloom for the past 2 years.

The other day Lily and I were deadheading flowers in the garden. "Why are we cutting the flowers off, mom?" she asked with concern stamped on her forehead. "'Cause flowers die. And the plant needs to use its energy to grow new flowers instead of trying to nurture the dead ones." She seemed satisfied with that answer and she was quiet for a few moments and then said, "So flowers just bloom and die, bloom and die?" "Yep," I answered, "that's what they do."

I see the same cycle in my own life - ideas and trends that bloom and are beautiful for a time. I learn and grow through them and love them for a season. And then they wilt and wither and whatever little energy they required seems too much.

That's how Bloom has come to feel (our blog is so aptly named for this metaphor, isn't it?!) There are new blossoms to nurture. Banjo lessons, perhaps?
And since moving to Oregon I feel like we are living the life we imagined (or making a mighty effort thereunto). There is much of hiking, and berry picking, and baking, and gathering with family and friends, and swimming and gardening and watching the sun set. And the more deeply I embed myself in the beauties of real life, the more the flashing pixels of the internets dim and dull. And the only thing I really care to do at my computer is upload the pictures and catch up on my little personal blog to preserve the indescribable goodness of this chapter of life. And lest you think otherwise, let me assure you that yes, there are hard things, too. Loved ones who are very afflicted. Personal disappointments that feel like they might swallow me up some days. Chores aplenty in a house that is never as clean as I'd like it to be and a yard that is similarly average. And these things need tending to also.

{disclaimer: i think blogging is great and helpful and awesome. i'm not throwing it under the bus or swearing it off by any means. i'm just feeling like it needs to take a different shape and place in my life.}

Bloom and die, bloom and die. A season for every purpose. Everything in its time.

Thanks for being here and listening to our thoughts and commenting on our forums and making this a safe and loving place to share our hearts (and our parties and our projects and our favorite songs).

Much love,


  1. Oh ladies, I am so sad to see this! But at the same time, relieved on your behalf. :-) It's funny because yesterday I was thinking about how blogging has become another to-do list item for me, one that I stress about and feel guilty about instead of looking forward to, and I thought, "How on earth are Anne and Emily keeping Bloom going? I wouldn't be surprised if they gracefully retired one of these days." And then I opened up my Google Reader and there you were.

    So ladies, thank you. Bloom has been a lovely darling space, and I hope you'll keep the archives up, but I think you are making a wise choice in letting it go now that it has served its purpose in your lives. Your families are lucky to have you. :-)

  2. While I am super sad, I also completely understanding. I decided blogging had to go last year when my time was already so limited with my kids. Something had to go. It was a relief to not have to worry about it anymore. I will miss your forums and conversations about life. But I am excited for your new adventure!

    Good luck!

  3. Oh you girls both look so beautiful in this photo! I am sad to see Bloom go...but I totally get it;) Thanks for letting me be a little part of it at times.

  4. This is exactly the way I've felt about a business I began a couple of years ago. At first, it was exciting and validating and challenging, and everything I thought was missing in my life. It gradually became more burden than anything, and I've come to believe that the Lord lets us take on adventures like this to help us grow, but also so that WE can figure out where we really need and want to be--which generally has nothing to do with our venture and everything to do with our families.

    Thanks for giving us the venue to meet and to share ideas and to become a little better because of you and everyone who contributed. Now go pack a picnic and take your kids to the pool. :)

  5. Oh I'm so sad to see you go! I totally understand though! Bloom has been such a lovely space to visit.

  6. Thank you, ladies! It's been a wonderful ride :) Much love and happiness to you!

  7. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your inspiring posts and will miss visiting your blog. I do think it's great that you will get to spend more time with your darling babies. Good luck & thanks again for sharing your lives with all of us!

  8. Thank you, both. First, for the courage to begin this dialogue. Second, for the courage to end it. It's part of the ebb and flow of life. Thank you for introducing me to great women, for being a source of introspection, and letting me contribute too. xoxo

  9. It's funny, because I've been cutting back on the list of blogs I check regularly, trying to limit the amount of time I spend in front of the computer. As much as I have loved this blog, I think you'll understand what I mean when I say that it's almost a relief to have one less blog to feel drawn to:).

    I'll miss the daily inspiration from this blog (because I truly have been inspired time and time again), but I completely get where you're both coming from. Your thoughts are a reflection of my own at this point in my life.

    Have fun with those sweet families of yours!

  10. Oh boo! Totally understand but your words will be missed! Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. I have so much respect for your decision! While I have enjoyed much about this blog I have to say "way to go!" for putting your families first.

  12. Thank you both so much, and best wishes to you as you press forward with your lives.

  13. First Oprah and now Bloom?!!! What am i going to do with my life?!!!

    I check three blogs regularly, and this was one of them, so naturally I am on the verge of tears to see it go, but I completely understand and support your reasoning. Good for you!

    You will be missed, sincerely. It felt like a little community of 'my tribe' type of ladies, and I appreciated all the little things I took from it. Recipes, parenting tips, music, you name it: I found it at Bloom.

    You've done a great thing and should close this chapter proudly!


  14. It's been lovely following you! I imagine I'll hit this point at some time and I'll remember your decision and find the strength to let go of the blogosphere as well. Enjoy your families! I've loved all the inspiration here, but I'll just come back and look at the old posts every once in a while and be happy that they're still here.

  15. Hey! I come back from a week of unplugging only to find out my favorite Bloom ladies are pulling the plugs, Forever!? I completely understand! I too have done some revamping in my life the last week and understand just how precious the time is with my kids and husband and where the blogging world should be on my list of priorities.

    I will say I LOVED everything you did here and I love you both for it. Thanks for sharing your hearts and your minds with us, this blog made me a better wife and mother and helped me open my mind to other ideas and ways to do things that I never would have thought of previous. You both will be missed, hope to see you both around sometime in our family trips back to the home town.

    Good luck and adieu.

  16. Oh man! I'm so sad! You know how much I love Bloom. (btw, I'm hooking up with a couple of Bloomers while
    I'm in Utah - fun!). You really have created a happy, real, safe, inspiring place on the interweb. Thank you for that and thank you for sharing with us and letting us share. You will be missed! But I get it. Em, your 'bloom and die' analogy was beautiful - so truly applies to many life endeavors. Love you ladies! (I will still be reading your personal blogs:))

  17. You have done a beautiful job and we have loved it! I could never imagine keeping this up the way you both have done so well. Thank you for all the inspiration. :) love, Lisa

  18. I am so sad to see this wonderful blog go...but I also completely understand. Good luck to you both. Thanks for all of the wonderful inspiration you've given me.

  19. Simplicity and more focus on the family is always a great decision. Good luck to both of you and who knows, maybe we'll cross paths again.

  20. What a perfect closing message to all of us Bloomers. We can't do it all, all the time--especially during the season of having young children in the home. I think so many of us want to "have it all" and "be everything to everyone" when really our focus should be in the home.
    I am reminded of my mother's placard hanging in her kitchen that says, "Simplify." Thank you Anne and Emily for doing just that. Keeping your lives simple so you can savor the moment and enjoy the here and now with little ones who are growing up and away from us faster than we realize.
    I love you both and smile at the thought of you cheerfully skipping down the street in utter relief that the Bloom chapter has closed (posting EVERY DAY is a FEAT!?!)
    I am spoiled b/c I have you two in my life regardless of Bloom :) Hooray for family!

  21. Well, I'm just going to say thank you for all of the inspiring words and stories I've read on here. I can't tell you how many times I have cried reading something one of you has written, amazed at how it pertained to a trial in my life.
    So thanks for the inspiration and sharing your lives and experiences :)

  22. So sorry to see you go. This lovely blog balances out some of the garbage on the internet with wonderful & uplifting things. So I too must add my thanks for the great time and best wishes for you & your families going forward. God Bless & God Speed.

  23. I'm sad to see this chapter close for you just because I'm sad for myself, but I 100% support your reasons. You two are great examples, and I'm glad you've shared yourselves with the Bloom community. Thank you for letting us learn from you. Enjoy this next great phase- mothering blog-free!

  24. Oh I kinda want to cry! While it makes me really sad, I completely understand. I think it's so important to follow what we feel is best for us. Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful, positive, inspiring place to come to. I for one, am better for it. I really hope you will leave it up so that I can go back from time to time for different things. I am glad to know that I can still follow your personal blogs :)

  25. Like all of your other readers, I'm sad to see you go! But, I also completely understand. There have been times when I've thought that it must be so much work and care to keep this site going. Good for you for knowing when to say goodbye and for doing what you know is best for you and your families. Thank you for creating such a lovely space and I'll be sure to check in with you on your personal blogs:)

  26. Oh, how sad is this! I have loved your blog! I completely understand where you are coming from though- it's time to get off the computer and go play in the sprinklers! :) I hope you'll leave the blog up though so we can look back at the great articles you've posted! Thanks for all your hard work!!

  27. Farewell! It was a beautiful experience to be a part of. :)

  28. While BLOOM will be missed, everything has a season, and I'm sure everyone shares in the understanding that our lives change, seasons change, and we need to adjust and do what's best for ourselves and our families. You're both doing what's best for yourselves and your families; who can fault you for that? I have often wonder how busy young moms keep up their beautiful blogs and still raise their families? It causes me to look at myself and feel a little less than because I can't do the same (only for a minute though, because comparison never gets ya anywhere). I think if there is anything you've both been an example of, it's that making our families our priority comes first, even when there are many other GOOD things you could be doing. It's a great reminder. Thank you both for this great community. It has been wonderful. xoxo

  29. Even your farewell post was inspirational! Thank you both!

  30. Yes, this blog is truly a blog with substance and one I've clicked on in my google reader quicker than most. Maybe I'll take a cue from you and let my blog reading time take a back seat to more important things - not things- boys. I appreciate all I've learned from you and the blogging world will miss your wisdom. "Bloom and die," so well put. Best wishes to both of you!

  31. This has been a wonderful place to come to feel inspired and uplifted. I appreciate your example to live the lives you dream. Best wishes to you both, and thank you for two years of encouragement. Here's to the moms!

  32. Tear... You will be sorely missed :(

  33. Thanks for all the fun ladies! I'm sad to see you go (for me) but happy to see you go for you! Enjoy your babies, they are so beautiful! Thanks for introducing me to YNAB... love it! And most of all, thanks for being such a great example to me since I was little. You have always been two great girls to look up to and strive to be like.

  34. Glad I found your blog - it gave me hope on one of my crying days. Thanks for sharing your lives and I hope you keep the archives up. Best wishes.

  35. I mimic everyone else when I say I'm sad to see it end but excited for you to have more time on your hands for your cutes babes! you will be missed here for sure. happy to have been a part of it a little bit! loved what you both said... feel really lucky you both are my friends!

  36. I want to thank you girls for the great information you passed along. Blogging truly is a place to exchange and learn new information. Thank you for helping me become a better mother.

  37. I have loved this blog so much. In fact, I think it is one of very few that has been completely authentic. I appreciate that so much. I never left feeling inadequate. I appreciate your genuine thoughts and insights and wish you both the best with your families and futures.

  38. Thank you for sharing so much with us. I will definitely miss you!

  39. I am so sad! But it is the very reason that I love this blog. You are "real" and love the things that I love. This is the only blog I have still followed that is not family/friend related.

    I must put in a request to still see the stairway inspiration that Anne mentioned. I fell in love with the stairs pictures. Please tell me the end result!

  40. Good luck to you both. And thank you for all of the energy you have put into this blog. It has been a refreshing place for me to visit, and is one of the few blogs that I check regularly. Your daily inspiration has meant a lot to me, and helped me get through some hard days.
    Thanks again.

  41. Nnnnnnoooooooooooooooo! But it was a good ride while it lasted. Thanks girls!

  42. This is the first time I've ever come across your blog, and I am going to be stopping mine for the exact same reasons. I made my decision a few weeks ago, and couldn't for the life of me find the words of how to say goodbye. Thank you for putting the words right into my mouth (blog:).
    You also really put beautifully the "bloom and die" aspect- I have been afraid to stop blogging because it's something I started, something I worked really hard for, and I'm feeling that if I stop, it will be wasted effort and I will come off as being inconsistent. Thank you for reminding me that everything has it's season.

  43. Thank you for all the wonderful posts you have shared with all of us. You've been truly inspiring.

  44. Wow, good for you. I am impressed with your deep commitment to motherhood. Thanks for having the discipline and courage to do this.

  45. Sad to see you two go although I completely understand your "blogging" dilemma. I have enjoyed checking in on Bloom over the past few years since we've been in contact. Thank you for all you did for Benson and Claire and the auction you held for them 2 years ago this Christmas. I wish you both the best of luck.

  46. hey you look so great and cute, your pictures so cute
