Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hi...are you there?

So...we're back. 

We've been having breakfast together about once a month at a cozy little coffee shop in the neighborhood where we grew up.  We talk about our children, our homes, and our goals.  We discuss politics and women's issues.  Basically, we solve the world's problems over hot chocolate and bagels.  When the time comes to leave we lament how quickly the morning can pass when you're sharing the matters of your heart with someone who really understands you.

And every time we meet, we kick around the idea of coming back to this space.  We miss you dears.  We miss sharing our best recipes and our latest parties and our favorite links.  But mostly this: we miss the meaty discussions that we've hosted here.  We miss the meaningful guest posts on mothering and the thought provoking questions and comments.  And it feels like if there is anything lacking in this giant, cluttered, so-much-information-your-brain-might-burst interweb, it is real, relevant, meaningful conversation between women {who are trying to Bloom}.  We want to be a venue for that again.

We won't be here everyday.  That isn't realistic for us (and likely not for you).  We'll try to be here once a week.  And we'd love for you to participate.  Do you have a bit of writing you've been dying to share?  A recipe that is too good to be true?  A question you want to discuss as a Friday Forum? Please, email us at aplacetobloomATgmailDOTcom.

See you soon.

anne and em


  1. Pleasantly surprised to see you in my feed! I'll be reading and enjoying!

  2. I was just here 2 days ago to copy down my favorite baked oatmeal recipe and remembered how much I missed Bloom. Welcome back!

  3. So glad you'll be back. I've missed you in my reader :)

  4. Happiest post I've read all week! Hooray!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. so excited!! your blog is so inspiring, my sister and i have missed it :)

  7. Yay! Welcome back! I was just editing my blogs that I read list yesterday and wasn't ready to delete you guys yet. Glad I didn't!

  8. You don't know how happy this makes me!!!!! Yay!!!! I think coming back once a week or whenever, and focusing on quality and not quantity is the BEST idea. I've secretly wished ever since you stopped that you would do just that! Wish granted! Welcome back, I've missed you ladies. :)

  9. I'm glad to see you back! Will think of some questions to ask....

  10. Oh I am so delighted. I got many a boost from placetobloom to start my day with my three little boys. I appreciate your openness and focus on what is important. It's totally refreshing. I plan on participating!!

  11. Just wanted some quick advice... you may not even know the answer... but I was talking with my friend Barb about blogs this morning, and she pointed me over to yours. I saw that you guys left and are now back, and may have some good perspective to offer. Some friends and I just started a blog, and I have been really surprised by the amount of time it takes to post content and have an online presence. I have been at it for about a month now, and after reading your Goodbye Post, I could easily see myself writing one myself someday if it does become too much. So any advice on keeping it manageable, pacing myself and focusing on what I love most... my kids?

  12. Yay! I came to find a recipe and got a treat! Welcome back!

  13. oh good! i love this place and have missed it!

  14. It's about bloomin' time! Just kidding. No pressure. So glad you are back. I just love this blog so much. Thanks Em and Anne!

  15. My favorite blog is back! Hip, hip, hurray!

  16. I'm so excited! Can't wait to read/share!

  17. This makes me so happy! I loved this blog and I'm glad you're back.

  18. So excited to see that you are back! I'm looking forward to your fun, real life and uplifting posts! Yeah!

  19. I liked this blog...especially the way you decorated it
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