We kicked January off with a series of posts on budgeting. So, we thought it would be appropriate to end the month in like fashion.
Only slightly different.
Sometimes the best way to want less, spend less, save more and stick to your budget is to love what you already have. To find wealth in the small pleasures of daily life. Like fresh berries - I feel a tiny bit royal when we have a few cartons in the fridge. And buying new toiletries - there's just something exhilarating about stocking the bathroom cupboard with new toothbrushes, floss, lotion, soap or shampoo.
And then, of course, there are the priceless things: healthy children, good love, peace; when my focus is there, I always feel wealthy.
What about you? Are there any relatively insignificant things you buy that make you feel a little bit...fancy? And what's making you feel rich today?
PS - The Bloom discount for YNAB expires at the end of the month (which is just a couple of days away (!) Scoot on over and make your purchase; enter "bloom" at check-out for 15% off.
Dangly earrings...cheap ones from WalMart or Target. I put those on and suddenly I'm a Lady...a very fancy pretty lady.
Today my treasure has been a good nights sleep. My 8 month old daughter slept through the whole night last night :D For the first time in ages I have woken up before my kids without wanting to go back to sleep :D If thats not symbolic diamonds and gold, I don't know what is.
We just put a fresh stock of blueberries and strawberries in the fridge, somehow, when I open the fridge and see those vibrant colors, I feel like my fridge (and I) should be in a Martha magazine. :)
I also just LOVE getting a new white shirt, even if it's just the $8 Target variety.
Oooh, and let's not forget a wiff of a drawer full of freshly washed clothes. Downy. Nothing better.
hmm...a box of wine in the fridge? lol. NO, it is definitely something equally as "classy" but infinitely more satisfying. a box (or 2--they usually have 2 for $5 sales) of pillsbury place&bake sugar cookies. the kind with holiday images in the center.
you can bake only a couple at a time & they come out warm, delightful, and "extravagant"!!
New socks make me feel very rich. A new bottle of nail polish and cuticle oil feels decadent. And a great hair appointment! You can say, "I just had to get a trim." or you can say, "I had a fabulous hair appointment with my stylist!" The latter is much more luxurious.
Crawling into bed with fresh, line-dried sheets makes me feel like a queen. How does mother nature make them smell so delicious?!!
Steamy bubble baths! Need I say more!?!
New lipstick. I'm actually a practical lip gloss kind of girl in real life, but I like knowing that there's a glamorous red lipstick lady inside, just waiting to be let out.
Today I feel fancy because I had a shower & not only that, but had time to put lotion on afterward too. So my skin stays happy for a while.
I know exactly what you mean!
Funny Story:
Yesterday My mom reminded me of a time she came to visit me after having a child, and was shocked to not find a single hot pad in the house! I said mom, that's a luxury item.. I just use the dish rag. By that night I had a brand new set in my kitchen drawer.:) Sometimes it's the little things like fresh produce, new underwear, new face wash and razors that just make me feel like i'm living the life of a queen!! :)
And what makes this story way funnier...
Is I remember seeing said hotpad at your house Ms. Emily of bloom, and thought "hey I think that might be my hotpad" but tell me, who is seriously going to say to their friend.. I think that's my hotpad and I want it back :)) So I just let it be. So if you have a navy blue hotpad with grandma flowers on it.. think about from whence it came! lol or it is also a HUGE possibility that you and my mom got them off of the same sale rack since you both have a crazy knack for deal shopping!! :)))
One word: bakery.
oh, sarah. i am laughing. you should have said something!
funny thing:
i don't have that hotpad anymore (I think I left it at another friend's house...so that dear little grandma-flowered hotpad is just making the rounds. If its new owner only knew the story behind it...)
a vase of fresh cut flowers. Tulips or daisy's would be my favorites
Stopping to get a smoothie at the local smoothie shop. Such a yummy treat!
It's funny you should ask. Last night I had a bout of violent hiccups (I know, right?) and rushed for the peanut butter. A spoonful of peanut butter has always cured me of hiccups. We had bought Skippy Natural (on sale) for the first time, and I said to Brad, "This peanut butter makes me feel wealthy." It is the creamiest, yummiest peanut butter I have ever tasted! And the four ingredients on the label are all familiar to me. A bonus.
Real butter! Butter on toast, butter in frosting, butter, butter, butter! I love it!
And speaking of dairy products, every once in a while I'll splurge on those little red Babybel cheeses because my boys looove them. Totally luxurious!
When my class got out early yesterday, instead of rushing home to relieve the babysitter (who wasn't expecting me for another 30 minutes), I instead went for a hamburger and shake with a friend from class. Now that I'm a mom (and a student still, boo), time is the biggest luxury!
Oh em.. I'm laughing out loud. that's all too funny! :)
having snuggling in time with my little girl feels very luxuriant....I'm also working at using what's on hand more, which sometimes has some amazing results, and often helps with the budget.
a fridge full of fresh fruit after a shopping trip makes me smile! knowing we aren't down to our last banana and that i can rattle off a list of various fruits for my girls to choose from makes me feel good. simple.
Fresh bread hot from the oven drizzled with honey. I don't think it gets much better than that.
Hey, pop a bow or a flower clip in my hair, and I feel instantly feminine. :)
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