Friday, May 14, 2010

As inspired by Bloom: Bonnets and Reading Corners

Remember Danielle's bonnet pattern giveaway? One of the winners, Cricket, sent us this:"Here is a picture of the first bonnet I made. My daughter loves it. She call it her 'sun hat' and I am not allowed to call it a bonnet. I'll be making one for my 6 year old soon and I will have
to make that one a little bigger than this. A girl is never too old for a bonnet, is she?"

Darling, Cricket! Nicely done!

(Want the pattern? Get it here.)

Remember Em's post on creating a cozy reading corner for your children? I was inspired and created this:


We put a fresh coat of white paint on a hand-me-down shelf, strung Eric Carle ABC flashcards (something we already had) with clothespins and ric rac, and set up the IKEA igloo my boys had received as a Christmas present (so, there again--something we already had). I found the browsing boxes (a must for paperbacks) at Target for $2.50 each. Eventually, I'd love to replace the igloo with a couple of these. But for now, for the price of new red bins and a small can of paint, we've got ourselves a cheerful reading corner, which my kids adore!

Have you made or done something as inspired by Bloom? Let us know! We want to share it! aplacetobloomATgmailDOTcom


  1. I love the reading corner. I have EIGHT shelves of books for my kids and a huge panda bear for snuggling. The thing we're missing is the time to read. I need to be better about setting that time aside.

  2. The Eric Carle flashcards are genius! What a great way to add some color and fresh artwork to your reading corner. Well done, Ms. Anne :)

  3. What a stunning idea. My little girls would love something like that! Thanks for the tip.
