Thursday, May 13, 2010

Any Way You Say It...

We like the idea of familiar traditions for special days.
For birthdays, we think it's fun to say, "Happy Day!" in a memorable, creative way.

Here are a few simple ways to do it:

A Birthday Pennant Banner
(even more sentimental if made by a dear friend - thanks, Anne!)

Another variation:

Remember these felted darlings that Lindy donated to the charity auction for Claire?
So charming.

Twine & Paper Garland

I whipped this little number up in about an hour the night before Henry's birthday this year. I was craft-hungry and you know I love to play in my paper collection...

Magazine cut-outs

Anne's b-day greeting for her lovie one year...

Ecclectic and upcycled :)

Do you have any fun Happy Birthday traditions?


  1. Cute banners guys.

    I always make a cute crown out of scrap book paper, and tape a big number 5 or whatever year it is to their birthday chair at the kitchen table with balloons etc.

    No birthday is complete without a pancake in the shape of a 3 or a 5 or whatever. :)

  2. We always let the birthday kid choose the menu on their holds barred!

    Also, my sister started a fun tradition of sending her kids on a scavenger hunt for their gifts. The anticipation as they read the first clue is palpable--not just for the birthday kid, but for all the guests who join in the hunt!
