Friday, April 1, 2011

April the First...

Happy April Fool's Day! Do you have some sneaky pranks lined up? Or are you not much of a prankster? Maybe you just need a little nudge...

We've gathered a few ideas to poke your inner thirteen year old and get you scheming to fool your friends and family.

* Rubberband the dish sprayer so the next person to turn the faucet on will get an unexpected shower. Such a fun one to spectate!

* Sneak into the bathroom while your lovie is showering and dump a big cup of ice cold water on them.

* Replace the shampoo with maple syrup or honey. We had a friend who did this to his dad a few years ago and his wife kept sniffing around, insisting that she smelled pancakes...funny!

* Put a fake bug in someone's slipper.

* Push a raisin down into the toothpaste tube...the next person to squeeze some paste onto his brush will get a mysterious surprise. (I totally want to do this to Nate).

* Make whoopie pies or cupcakes and frost them with white toothpaste or shaving cream.

Would you believe that the best prankster I know is my dear, darling grandmother? It's true! One year during college some girlfriends and I went up to her house for a weekend get-away that happened to coincide with April Fool's. My grandma, awake long before any of us sleepy co-eds, spread some Icy Hot/Mentholatum-ish ointment all over the toilet seat. None of us remembered that it was April first and we were all a little sheepish to admit that we had tingly bums. My friends were all wondering if maybe my grandparents had chapped behinds and lubed up the commode as some sort of remedy, but nobody dared bring it up. Finally, at breakfast my grandma said, "well, nobody's said anything about my little April Fool's prank...haven't any of you used the bathroom yet?!"

Oh my, did we laugh! My girlfriends were all shocked that my sweet little grandma had it in her to be such a prankster...if they only knew! She'd been making fools of her loved ones on April 1 for years - sewing the fly on my grandpa's underwear closed, frosting cakes with shaving cream, saran wrapping the toilet for an unexpected splash-back; she loved a practical joke.

What about you? What's the best joke you've ever played? What's the best prank someone else has pulled on you?


  1. oh my goodness your grandma sounds like a fun little lady! honestly i haven't been very good at keeping track of the date so i had no idea! I'll have to think about a good prank.

  2. Ok, I must be the least fun person in the universe because 90 percent of the pranks I hear about are either mean (would you really throw cold water on someone in the shower? I would not find that funny!) or a big mess. My kids know that if they do a messy prank they are in big trouble. A raisin in the toothpaste tube is both not mean and not messy, so that's a win. I guess it just takes a little creativity to come up with something that meets my exacting standards ;)

  3. That was so funny! I remember we were staying there for general conference! Your grandma is so fun!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for the memories, Em! I still haven't gotten over the shaving cream frosting prank from when I was 7 years old, I thought I would die from embarrassment! Today at work we are all turning in phony transfer requests to our principal. Mine explains that I don't know what to do with all the odd-looking instruments in my closet, as I'm accustomed to teaching music out of a broom closet, using only a boombox. "I think lower expectations and fewer resources will be a better fit for me". Now, let's hope he laughs...

  6. Hahaha I love your words that written in this blog, a funny pranks. Now i was thinking how to make prank for my family i really to start making idea's but this maybe help to me. Prankster hahaha..

  7. Em, I think I love your grandma. :) Matt and I used to always pour cold water on each other when we were in the shower when we first got married. We thought it was so funny. So...I did that again this morning. Also told the boys that I had just gone to the Dr., and he discovered that not only are we having one baby, we're having triplets. Triplet girls. We all had a good laugh. :) What a funny/random holiday.

  8. I love the story about your grandma! My mother-in-law was just like that! The stories she told! I wonder if imagination really was a stronger force when television, video games and cell phones were not around yet? :D

  9. Hello! I am glad I happened to find your blog! I love the wide variety of things you post about...great April Fool's jokes...I need to try some of them on my hubby (even if April 1st is over :) I am your newest follower, and new to this blogging thing. I would love it if you would visit my blog and maybe follow me back?! :)

  10. I took my hubby's toothbrush and froze the head of it in a cup of water. Right before bedtime i got it out of the cup and put the icecubed toothbrush in it's rightful place...he was mighty suprised to see it!

  11. I saw this on America's Funniest home videos and thought it was totally fit for my freaky family! What you will need: Two pennies and one of those cone shaped syphone things you use to pour without spilling. The game is that you put the two pennies on your eyes (while closed) and you put the syphone nozzle in your pants and try to get the pennies into the syphone. Get the competition going and when someone least expects it dump a cup of water into the cone shaped syphone and give them a cold surprise! I thought this was soo funny!
