Monday, January 17, 2011

Making Today Meaningful

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! I know sometimes we're just grateful to have a day off to spend with our children, and we go along our merry way without even remembering why we can sleep in and enjoy a play day. I think it's so important to pay tribute to why today is an American holiday by teaching our children and reminding ourselves about the impact Martin Luther King, Jr. made on all of us.

A few simple suggestions on how to make today more meaningful for you and your children:

You can find some fun holiday activities--printable coloring pages and puzzles, art ideas, games, etc.-- here and here.

For your kids, here are some of our favorite Martin Luther King Day reads.

And for you, reading this is a must. I try to read it every year and it moves me every time.

Enjoy your holiday!
-anne and em


  1. My mother-in-law told us last night at dinner that Dr. King's family had requested (when the holiday was first proposed) that the day be one of service to others. I think helping children reach out to the community in some small way would be a perfect way to make the day more meaningful.

  2. Hope you had a wonderful holiday! I love your blog - I'm a new follower! peace&love.

  3. Thanks for the post! The links helped me prepare a short message for FHE last night! :O)
