Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!


Are you having a lovely vacation? We hope so! There's nothing like a few days after all the holiday run-around to relax with your family and gear up for a new year.

Between the two of us, we've been enjoying all of Oregon's beauties--from looking out streetcar windows in rainy Portland to sledding in the snowy mountains to marveling at the waves as they crash on the Pacific coast. Mostly we are enjoying snuggling up with our beloveds and reveling in the time we have together.

What have you been up to? Have any out-of-this-world plans for New Years?

Also this--we are loving the submissions for the Handmade Parade! Keep them coming! Email us photos of the handmade gifts you gave for Christmas and we'll post them in our parade... aplacetobloomATgmailDOTcom

em, anne

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