Tuesday, December 21, 2010

happy, happy...

Things will be quiet around here for the next few days as we "unplug" and soak up the rest of the Holiday season with our families.

The other day in the car I was talking about the birth of Christ with Henry. We were commenting back and forth to each other about the details of the Nativity and when he was describing the angels singing, he sort of paused for a moment and said, "don't you remember that, mom?" I asked him what he meant and he didn't go into much more detail, he just said, "I just kind of remember that part 'cause I was there." I thought it was an interesting thing for a five year old boy to say.

The legion of angels is my favorite part of Kershisnik's Nativity (image above). I don't know if Henry was there. I don't know if I was there. But as I have made a careful effort to appreciate and celebrate the true meaning of this Christmas season, there have been several moments where I have felt like singing, when I have wanted my voice to ascend with the believers in praise and thanks for the incredible gift of a Savior.

We hope your Holidays surround you with moments that make you want to sing.

Anne & Em


Be sure to submit your photos for our 2nd Annual Handmade Gift Parade. Details here.

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  1. that image is breathtaking! thanks for sharing. and that is about the sweetest thing a 5yo boy could say.

  2. I haven't done as well this Christmas keeping the focus right. It's been the most stressful Christmas ever! Guess it's one of those try, try again scenarios for me.

  3. Wow. That was awesome, thank you for sharing that. You know, I bet he was there :) I love when children say things like this, because it always reminds me that sometimes the veil can be thinner than we think it is. I too have felt what you are talking about wanting to just start to sing because of the pure joy you feel. I love it! Merry Christmas!!

  4. How funny that Henry mentioned that, because guess what, the angels don't sing! Really! Go check in the Bible!

  5. I love that Henry...

    Merry Christmas you, all of you

  6. I think that is my most favorite nativity image ever. I want a print of it in my house!
    The Christmas story is such a part of who we are and our eternal destiny I think we were all there somehow. I love Henry's confidence that he really was there.

  7. I am super behind in my google reader post-holidy catch up but I wanted to read all the bloom posts I missed! I love this painting, it was one of my favorites in the Beholding Salvation exhibit at the BYU museum of art. and even if the bible does that the angels said their praises (per Michemily's comment), I imagine that there was much rejoicing in the way of singing as well when such a perfect event took place. thanks for sharing this sweet moment you had with your Henry.
