Monday, December 20, 2010

F. Y(nab). I

Just wanted to let you know that the folks over at YNAB (You Need a Budget) are sponsoring a fantastic contest/giveaway. If you're a YNAB user and feel like the program has helped change your financial life, submit your success story for a chance to win a Macbook Air.

3 Runners up will receive iPads.

And just for entering you'll be entered into a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card (there are 2 up for grabs).

We've been using YNAB for nearly 5 years now and it has been such a boon in helping us get/keep our financial house in order, even in a very non-traditional income-flow season of life. Love the program. Love the people behind it. It really is good stuff. Just wanted to let any other YNAB users out there know about the chance to share their YNAB story and win a sweet prize!

Stay tuned for more budgeting talk at Bloom in the new year and there may or may not be some software up for grabs for a few lucky Bloomers (wink! wink!)

Enter the contest here. Deadline: December 31, 2010 (midnight).
Learn more about YNAB here.

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