Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Forum: Mother to Mother

We've been the beneficiaries of much mothering wisdom this week.

We also know that here at Bloom we have a community of readers with infinite collective wisdom.

So, we ask you:

What is the best piece of advice you have to offer other mothers??

Thanks for sharing and inspiring. Best wishes to all women (we are all nurturers, no?) this weekend!
anne and em


  1. Don't compare yourself or your kids to others. God gave you special talents and abilities that are yours alone. He also sent your children to YOU, not the lady down the street or to your best friend. YOU! Look at experienced mothers and learn what you can from them, but don't beat yourself up over the things that you aren't perfect at. Take what you've learned and move forward with the understanding that your situation as a mother is completely unique and you are the one that can decide (with God's help) what is best for you and your family.

  2. Pray your guts out in order to make decisions for YOUR kids. There's only one expert in parenting your kids and you have complete access to Him.

  3. I was complaining about someone once: "But she's sooo annoying!" And my mom simply said,

    "Mandi. Anyone can be nice when it's convenient. It's being nice when it's really hard that makes you like Christ."

    Lesson learned.

  4. Ignore the many arrows that are constantly slung at the job of "mother." Anyone saying a SAHM doesn't do enough, doesn't meet her potential, blah, blah, blah, is ignorant and clueless. Mothers are infinitely priceless.

  5. Realize that just as your children need nurturing and enriching activities to develop properly, you do too. Don't put yourself on hold or let your own needs take a constant backseat. Yes, being a mother involves a LOT of sacrifice and self-denial, but too much can be just as damaging to your family as too little. Let your children see you learning and growing and expanding your talents, just as you admonish them to do.

  6. It's good to take some time for yourself. You need a recharge to be able to give your children your best.

  7. The greatest gift I can give my children is to love and devote myself wholeheartedly to my husband. My relationship with him is the bedrock of all their future relationships and current state of stability and strength.

  8. Laugh! =)
    Happy Mother's Day friends!

  9. Enjoy each stage and age for what it is.

  10. Love them unconditionally. Listen to them. validate their feelings, even if you don't agree with them. Laugh with them. Treat them with respect and pray to see them the way the Lord sees them. We are laying the foundation for the rest of their lives. Pray, pray, pray. :)

  11. Be organized, or as organized as possible. For mothers of kids still at home all day, this is not really possible past maybe pulling out something for dinner. Your goal while their home is to love, play and nurture your little ones. It's the most important work you'll ever do. Don't worry about the housework. The house can wait.

    Once their in school, you have time to manage the house and get the things done you want to do BEFORE they get home. The beauty of this is that you can give your kids your undivided attention when they walk in the door. You'll be peaceful and able to be with them physically, mentally and emotionally instead of worrying about the things that you didn't quite get finished. You can't give 100% of yourself if you are distracted and frustrated. My girls love when I'm wholly there to listen to their stories and answer their questions.

    The advice that goes with this is to know when to talk and when to listen. Oh, and also take a deep breath instead of reacting. If they set off a reaction that is unpleasant, they'll stop telling you things. ;)

    Happy Mother's Day!

  12. I love all of this advice! Thanks!

    I have heard many times to just enjoy the moment you're in and not wish it away, or want for the future. It's here right now, and it's never coming back!! I have really tried to take that to heart and live in each day and enjoy it, no matter what. Relax. Play. It's making a huge difference for me! Because like my 2 1/2 yr. old says "I'm growin up Mom!" Those words are all too true.

  13. The best advice (from a mother of 8) I got when expecting my first was "The house can be clean next year." Enjoy your little ones and don't worry so much about the cleaning!

  14. Watch how experienced mothers (and grandmothers) interact with your children. I always learn something new when I do.

    Also, thanks for the intro to! That's some of the best advice I've ever received!
