Thursday, April 1, 2010

More photo submissions--first installment

We told you it was difficult to choose finalists for the Spring photo contest. As we share all of the entries in a series of posts over the next few weeks, you'll see exactly how difficult.

A Day Like This by Mandi

"March is such a tease! That odd wintery fog crept up in the morning, but we've still got signs of spring on its way. Make up yer mind, March! ;) "

Spring by Stacy

"My little girl loves dogs. Spring has lured the neighbors into taking their dogs on walks oftener, and the minute she spots these dogs her face lights up with pure joy. She screams excitedly and stretches out her pudgy hand to them and it couldn't make either of us happier."

Windy Sunday by Sarah

"My son James is flying his kite at the end of our cul-de-sac on a windy Sunday afternoon, enjoying rare time with his Daddy. Audrey loves to be outside, and the cat likes to tag along too!"

Lilac Blooms by Dani

"I always look forward to lilac blooms. To me, these fragrant blossoms are the essence of spring. It makes my heart happy to see these lovely lavender blossoms, and my spirits soar when I get to enjoy their scent while watching my little ones frolic in the spring grass. Happy spring!"

Walks by Victoria

"Spring is walks. Sometimes 2-3 a day. I'm introducing my 5 month old to the outside world: sunshine, flowers and birds. When the sun was in his eyes, he pulled the draped blanket (used block the sun) inside so he could have more shade without missing beauty strolling past."

Bikes by Jenny

"Spring for the Hiett Family means the return of family bike rides."

Tiny Flowers by Jen

"These tiny, delicate flowers have suddenly appeared in our back yard, spreading across the lawn from under the bare fig tree. They've been a beautiful reminder to me that even the Phoenix desert (where winter just means you can't swim or wear flip flops every day) knows that spring is here."

Just Her Boots by Christina

"Spring to us means more sunshine and less clothing!"

P.S. Friends, we are guests of the Mother Huddle today! Come find our bullet list here!

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