Saturday, April 3, 2010


A Saturday post? Who would have thought?!

I have some feedback for you all.

First. Since writing this post I've had several people ask me for a report on how my early rising is going. I'm happy to say it's going quite well. Amazingly enough, my night owl body is changing. I'm tired at 10:30 p.m. and ready for bed. (I'm watching much less TV as a result!) It's still hard almost every day to get up, but for the first time in my life I'm really owning it. Every day is different. Some days it's 6:45 some day's it nearly 8:00. But I don't beat myself up about those days, because usually they're a result of a boy up in the middle of the night or some such nonsense, and I'll never win this battle if I'm too hard on myself. The biggest deal is that I have real time to read and ponder every morning. Having attended a wonderful, traditional Jewish Passover dinner the other night, I spend the next morning studying the Passover and was just thrilled with what I learned in the still of the morning. I've yet to fit my exercise in early, but still have high hopes. Some of you mentioned jumping on my bandwagon. How are you doing at it?

Next. Need some yummy cuppies for this weekend? These are our favorite. Any kind of cake and frosting will work, really. I usually do yellow cake and chocolate buttercream. Toasting the coconut (on a cookie sheet, oven set to broil--watch it like a hawk!) is the key. Any kind of candy eggs will do, I prefer the cadbury chocolate eggs myself. (Original idea belongs to Danielle, as she is the inspiration for at least 50% of my creative endeavors.)

Third. After posting this, I decided my Easter tree looked a little Tim Burton-ish (Nightmare Before Easter??!!), so I spray-painted my branches white and now I might never take my tree down, I love it so much.

Also. After Brooke wrote last week, many of you asked for her banana cookies recipe. She gave it in the comments section, but in case some of you didn't see it, the recipe is here.

And finally. After writing about egg cups, I received an email from a friend asking where to find egg cups. Here in Oregon, we always find cute ones at Fred Meyer (in some areas this is Smith's Marketplace or Kroger). TJ Maxx is a possibility, too. They can be hard to find, though. So, if you're dying for some (you all should be!), here are my favorite Amazon finds:

Happy Easter everyone!


  1. What a pleasant surprise on a Saturday morning! I desire to jump on your Morning Bandwagon, but am still struggling. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Well done on the early rising! For me, I still struggle some mornings, but I am getting out of bed early most days. Although it is SO hard to get my body up, it is SO worth it. I get to exercise, and when my boys arise, I am relaxed and feeling good. Definitely a blessed feeling to start the unpredictable toddler day ahead. Best of luck to all the mamas on the bandwagon. :)

  3. Love your Easter Tree. What a great idea. It could definently work all spring ~ even through May!!

  4. Um, I am getting up early to exercise, but I go back to bed afterwards, so I know that defeats the purpose. Next step: stay awake and read my scriptures and don't be cranky when my kids wake up. Good job Anne.
