Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Earth Day Swap

image and other darlings via Art and Philanthropy Etsy Shop

So we have an idea. Have you ever read an article in your Real Simple or Living about having a get together with your favorite girls in which you all bring a few gently used goods and swap them with each other?

We have, and we like the sound of it. And we want to do it on a massive scale.

On Earth Day (April 22nd), we will host a giant swap right here on Bloom!

Here's how it will work:
1. If you want to give an item, you post a comment on Bloom (on the 22nd) describing what you're giving, preferably including a link to your blog where you've posted a photograph of the item. There is no limit to how many items you can give away, but please list them each in separate comments.

2. If you want to claim an item, you leave a comment like this:

@Anne--I love that vintage apron you're giving away! I want it!

(Include your email address in your comment, please.)

And if you're the first to comment about that item--you win! But, listen here--we want lots of people to be able to win, so you may only claim one item.

3. If you're participating, you need to be very active on the comment thread. Once someone has claimed your item, send them an email so you can connect. You work out the shipping costs between the two of you.

4. Remember, this is an Earth Day Swap! We are going for the 'reuse' in the three R's. Please offer up gently used goods, not thrashed goods. And please don't offer up anything new. If you sell something and are looking for good publicity, we can help you with that--just not on the 22nd of this month.

Is this crazy?
Do you love it?
Any questions?

Start thinking about possible donations!
And tell your friends!

Em & Anne


  1. sounds fun and its a good idea - i will have to look around to see if i have anything that will work, i dont keep around much that we arent using - maybe some books?

  2. Sounds like fun! Is there any rules?... like, you cant ask for something if you havn't offered something?

  3. Fantastic idea. My wheels are a spinning!

  4. Bec, good question. No, you do not have to donate something in order to claim something.

  5. Great idea and I'd love to be a part of it.
