Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Swap 2010!

Happy Earth Day!
Ooooo! We are excited for today!

Today we are hosting an Earth Day Swap here at Bloom. Have something used, but in good condition, that you don't use anymore? You are in the right place.

Here's how it will work:
1. If you want to give an item, you leave a comment on this post describing what you're giving, preferably including a link to your blog where you've posted a photograph of the item. There is no limit to how many items you can give away, but please list them each in separate comments.

2. If you want to claim an item, you leave a comment like this:

@Anne--I love that vintage apron you're giving away! I want it!

(Include your email address in your comment, please.)

And if you're the first to comment about that item--you win! But, listen here--we want lots of people to be able to win, so you may only claim one item. (Note: you do not have to give something away in order to win something.)

3. If you're participating, you need to be very active on the comment thread. Once someone has claimed your item, send them an email so you can connect. You work out the shipping costs between the two of you.

4. Remember, this is an Earth Day Swap! We are going for the 'reuse' in the three R's. Please offer up gently used goods, not thrashed goods. And please don't offer up anything new. If you sell something and are looking for good publicity, we can help you with that--just not today.

Are you ready?!

Let's begin!

Up for grabs from Emily:
a pair of black leggings - nearly new
size M/L (would probably work for size 4-8 ?)
no-fade material
sweet lace detail at the bottom.
will ship to US or canada

Up for grabs from Anne:

vintage white apron with lace detail
only sign of wear-- a couple of minor spots on skirt

See? It doesn't have to be anything amazing. It's just one big fun, earth-friendly, cyber swap! Keep it simple and have fun!!


  1. I have a slightly unreleated question - where did you get the image associated with this post? I love it and would love to own it. Thanks!

  2. Adrienne, that print is from this Etsy shop:

    check it out, it's full of darling things. And good news: in celebration of Earth Day, everything is 40% off today!


  3. this is such an awesome thing to do guys! glad i can be a part of it!!

    i'm wanting to swap an extremely flower child cord jacket, worn once in honor of earth day many moons ago...

    its black, with embroidered flowers and a quote saying "Friends, Love, Peace and a lot of Flower Power..." across the back.

    if you are interested, check it out here!!!

  4. @Emily--I would LOVE some black leggings!
    jackie.wins at gmail dot com

  5. This is one of my most favorite things I've ever read on the environment. A long one, but a TRUE gem!!

    By Hugh Nibley

    This is a really fun idea ladies!! I'll have to go look for something that someone else might want to "Reuse" :)

  6. here's an excerpt just to whet your appetite :)

    "There is a great do. Progress, and improve upon, and make beautiful everything around you. Cultivate the earth and cultivate your minds. Build cities, adorn your habitations, make gardens, orchards, and vineyards, and render the earth so pleasant that when you look upon your labours you may do so with pleasure, and that angels may delight to come and visit your beautiful locations.25"

  7. Wait...can I claim the apron? Has nobody claimed it yet or do I just not understand how this works? Because I LOVE it. know where I live.

  8. @ Jackie - the leggings are yours. I'll e.mail you!


  9. @danielle

    you're all over it!

    i'll send the apron straightaway!

  10. I've got a way-cute Cherry print heating bag here:

    It was made for Christmas, and just hadn't ever been gifted. You heat it up (its full of corn) and use it for aching muscles, cramps, etc. The cherry cover is removable for easy washing!

  11. Christina- just saw your post on my blog and here...I still have the jacket, wanna make a trade? :)

  12. I've got an extra fabric panel from Mary Engelbreit's The Caroler Collection... it's got a girl all dressed up for winter and says "Be Warm inside and out" If anyone wants it I'm happy to snail mail it :)
