Thursday, April 29, 2010

Best Mother's Day Present Ever

Disclaimer: we don't place many products on Bloom. But, sometimes, when we think something is so awesome that we want to shout it from the rooftops, we do.

Last Mother's Day threw me a couple of surprises. Having sent my husband off on a three-week, European business trip, I wasn't planning on a special breakfast or any presents on Mother's Day. But, lo and behold, a few days before the holiday, a package arrived from Amazon. I was puzzled (I hadn't ordered anything, had I?). Inside the box I found a Flip and a note from my husband explaining that for Mother's Day, he wanted to give me something to help me preserve the memories of these magical and (believe it or not) fleeting days. It was a (MUCH) bigger present than we'd normally do, but since he was gone, he wanted to do something extra special.

The Flip is the best present I have ever received relative to mothering. And here's why.
I can't count how many times we've been in this situation:
"Honey! Rog just took a step! Quick, go get the camcorder!"
"Where is it?"
"In the closet! Hurry, he's taking another step!"
"Here it is. But where's a disc? And wait, the battery's not charged."
And then Rog stops performing and we all sigh.

With my Flip, all of those woes are gone.
My favorite things about it:
*The thing is tiny! It's the size of my cell phone. I have it in my purse at all times so, no matter where we are, I can capture the beautiful/hilarious/ridiculous things my children do and say.
*The battery lasts for ages and ages.
*The Flip is all digital. No messing around with discs (although you can, of course, burn your videos onto DVDs).
*All the content can be uploaded quickly onto your computer, because the Flip plugs directly into a USB. Then, the Flip software helps you quickly share your videos on your blog, you tube, facebook, etc.

For a taste of the Flip, here's a video I shot on Rog's birthday.
Things to note:
-The look on Rog's face after he says, "Good!" Kills me every time.
-Taylor's mad cake skills
-If it seems like I'm being rude to Blaine, it's because he was being ultra sassy about stealing Rog's part of the cake.

The Flip has critics, of course. If you are a hard core videographer, you might be frustrated with the Flip's imperfections, the biggest of which, in my opinion, is that it doesn't do a great job in low light situations. Also, when uploading to Blogger, the picture is pretty grainy. It's much more clear on your computer, and also on you tube. Here's the same video of Rog, this time on you tube. The picture is much more clear.

Even with its imperfections though, I am in love with my Flip. It has completely revolutionized by ability to capture the everyday.

Read more about it here.

Or check it out on Amazon here.

And, because I really love you, and because it's Friday, here's a clip from the Cropper family Christmas Eve Talent Show. Taylor and I decided to kick it up a notch this year and sang a karaoke version of Lay All Your Love on Me (a la Mama Mia).
Things to note:
-I have never been more nervous in my life, as evidenced by my lack of breath support, my nervous/awkward dance moves, and my profuse sweating (which, thankfully, the Flip did not capture).
-Taylor should be the next Glee Star
-Our friend, Brian's hilarious commentary

(you're welcome for the good laugh.)

Next week on Bloom we'll learn from wiser mothers, plus share more ideas for fun and indulgent Mother's Day treats! Happy Weekend!
anne and em


  1. That duet was the cutest thing I've ever seen! And a man who knows the lyrics to ABBA/Mamma Mia- I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't just watched it!

  2. You guys are seriously the cutest things ever! I loved it! You rocked the Mamma Mia!!! Thanks for the Flip review I really want one, like today.

  3. That was awesome! LOVED IT! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Anne, how I love thee. No, really. I do. I can't get over my cute cousins dueting together.
    The flip looks awesome too. It is going on my ever growing "want" list :)

  5. I an leaving a comment!!! Anne and Tay, you guys are THE with a capital T cutest singers ever. You should be singing that on a beach in the mediterranean. I know...I spelled that wrong. Marcus and I should have come down the hall dancing in flippers. If we were there we would have.
    love ya

  6. love how gutsy you are! that was awesome.
