Thursday, March 11, 2010

Of All the Parenting Books...

There is a lot of literature out there for parents. Sometimes it's overwhelming to sift through it all to find what you really need. We have a few favorite parenting books that we'd like to share with you and then we'd like you to share yours with all of


*Your Child's Self Esteem - Dorothy Corkille Briggs

*How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk
- Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish (recommended to me by one of the mothers I adore most - hi Elizabeth! :)

*6 Point Plan for Raising Healthy & Happy Children
- John Rosemond (this book really changed that way I think about TV, creative play, and saying "No").

Not a book, but definitely a fountain of wisdom, I am loving the Asking Jane blog - a series of questions about parenting answered by a very wise (and gentle) mother of 11 (!) -- she is wonderful.


*Kids are Worth It!: Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline -Barbara Coloroso
(My sister (a mother of 5) swears by this book. She gave it to me and it revolutionized the way I look at incentives and completely changed (i.e. improved) the way I managed my second grade classroom.)

*The Creative Family -Amanda Blake Soule
(You've likely seen this book or at least know her She is wonderful.)

Your turn, please...


  1. Interesting, I've never relied much on parenting books, but with my 5 yo son's increasing bad attitude.....
    I've read on discipline book called "1-2-3 magic" by Dr. Thomas Phelan, I really like this books methods of discipline.

  2. I meant I've read ONE discipline book ;D

  3. I'm a Dr. Sears girl. I love The Baby Book (we do a lot of AP) and The Discipline Book.

  4. Positive Disipline: The First Three Years - really helpful for toddlers.

    Raising Happiness - really interesting science based (but readable) book about happiness.

  5. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Marc Weisbluth. I have referred to it with every one of my babies. And toddlers. And I'll probably use it with teens, too. It talks about how sleep corresponds with brain developement; how much sleep children need--at all ages. And how to help them get how much they need.

    Every time I have read the book or referred to it regarding specific questions, I am amazed at how right on the money he is. He has helped my kids become great sleepers--and happier, too.

  6. I read "Baby Wise" with my first child and that helped me know how to get them on a better schedule for sleeping/eating/play time. I am excited to read some of the books mentioned, thanks Bloom!

  7. Ditto loving the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Weisbluth! I read everything I could get my hands on while pregnant with my first and this was by far my favorite. Helped us get all our babies napping and sleeping well, which made for a very happy household!

  8. I'm the kind of girl who loves a good research project, so when I became a parent I read just about every parenting book under the sun! I actually find them to be pretty fascinating. Here are some of my favorites:

    1. Taming the Spirited Child by Michael Popkin

    2. Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegl

    3. Slow and Steady Get Me Ready by June Oberlander

    4. Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline

    5. Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv

    6. The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home by Susan Bauer

    And, one on my to-read list: Children who do too little: Why your kids need to work around the house (and how to get them to do it) by Patricia Sprinkle

  9. "Talkers, Watchers, and Doers: Unlocking Your Child's Unique Learning Style" by Cheri Fuller
    This is great if you have a child who learns differently than you do (i.e. auditory, visual, kinesthetic). Has great ideas to make learning and listening and homework fun and in a way kids can understand and in a way parents can interpret for their kids. It was a pretty quick read too as parenting books go.

  10. For the basic questions, I love Baby 411 by Ari Brown and Denise Fields. Written by a Pediatrician and a mom, it's a great reference.

  11. I second LJ's suggestion of Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood. It has really made me think about how I respond to my kids and has helped make the tougher parts of parenting a little more fun.

  12. LOVE your child's self esteem (thanks for that recommend, Em). It's amazing to me how relevant her thoughts/arguments are considering it was written in the late 70's, right?
    She's awesome.
    I like Linda and Richard Eyre's books. My favorite is: Teaching Your Children Values and How To Talk To Your Child About Sex. They are phenomenal mentors for us beginners trying to figure this whole parenting gig out :)

  13. Brazelton's books (of which there are many) are my very favorites! Of course, I am probably a little biased as he was my mother's pediatrician. Still, I have a large collection and find even the older ones very helpful, balanced, and lovingly written.
