Monday, March 29, 2010

Making Murals

I don't know what the weather's like where you are (it's blustery and awful here - not a great day for outdoor mural making), but if it's sunny and warm in your neck of the woods, here's a suggestion for Springtime fun (and if today's not a good day - tuck this away in your mama-mind for nicer weather):

Attach a length of butcher/easel paper to you back fence/balcony railing/the side of your house, etc.

Get out the (washable!) paints and brushes.

Let your little ones go to work making a monster-sized masterpiece. My Henry (5 years old) isn't much for art projects, but he ate this up like Skittles. And when the weather gets really warm, we'll probably paint in our swimsuits and clean up in the hose/sprinklers.

When the paint dries, hang up the masterpiece for temporary (or permanent) display in your playroom or your child's bedroom.

* This idea came from Rebecca, who is an honest-to-goodness fountain for creative things to do with/for your kids. Thanks, Bec!


  1. I love this idea. What a sweet picture!

  2. What a fantastic idea... My boys would L.O.V.E. this!

  3. YAY, Bec! I'm so glad to see you on Bloom :)
    Fantastic idea!

  4. Fun idea! Can't wait to try it.
