Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cleaning Playlist

When I'm deep cleaning, I need music. And today, I need some suggestions for my cleaning soundtrack.

What's your favorite song/music to clean to?


  1. When I read the title of this post I thought,
    Whoohooo a playlist. Only to find there wasn't one. :(
    I could really use a cleaning playlist myself. Something that is fun and bouncy that will keep my energy levels up and able to get all my cleaning done. I will be sure to check back later to see what others have suggested. But so I am not of any help what so ever I will suggest:

    Kylie Minogue- the Loco-motion

  2. As a little girl I remember dancing around the house in my mothers heels (while SHE cleaned)...but nonetheless :)
    Our music selection was consistently Paul Simon's "Graceland". Can't beat it.

  3. So I actually clean houses for a part-time job right now to put my husband through PhD school. (I have a business degree, but I like to clean OTHERS' houses and it's a simple no-brainer no-fear-of-becoming-a-work-a-holic job that's perfect when I'd rather be home with my kids. Plus when no one's looking I can dance as much as I want to what I want to listen to--instead of kiddie tunes!)

    So, I listen to random stuff so it doesn't ever get boring. And I find you get into a rhythm and start tuning out the music after about 30-45 minutes or so, so you need a new beat to recharge you and keep you going fast. I'm an 80s girl mostly, with a lot of disco likes, but I really get moving to Serena Paris, a pop singer I discovered some years ago. I also get the dance club versions of favorite songs. Erasure's d.c. versions of "Rock My Gently" I like. Alphaville has some good stuff. Saturday Night Fever and many songs by the Beegees and ABBA are great beats.

    I also have REALLY started enjoying U2 more. Sometimes I'll set up a theme playlist of all U2 albums I have. It's been really neat to get into a full album deeply and think about what connects all those songs into that album and what the band is trying to say. Gets you thinking more. This only happens because I clean so long at a time I have time to really think about it. My favorite "thinker" cleaning album is U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind. Obviously, you can tell I have too much cleaning time to even think about music-to-clean-by this much!

    That said, since I clean a lot and listen to the same music over and over, every once in a while I put on a good book on mp3 to change it up. I don't clean as fast, but I don't get tired of the music as fast.

    Hope that helps!

  4. I listened to Graceland while my mother cleaned too! That is a good album.

  5. Oh man. I could leave a list for days. Here's a few I like for cleaning:

    Beck: Specifically "Guero" or "Guerolito
    DJ Earworm: Visit his site to download free MP3s.
    LCD Soundsystem: Great upbeat background noise.
    Madonna: The older stuff. But only when the hubs isn't home. Don't judge me.
    Michael Jackson: You can't honestly tell me his music doesn't put you in a good, get stuff done mood.
    New Pornographers: not at all scandalous like you might initially think

    I'm a firm believer in playing good music when you're cleaning. And I really could keep going, but I will let other people take a turn. :)

  6. I'm an 80's girl too. If you aren't, I don't know if you'd like it? U2 is great, Howard Jones, Depeche Mode, Erasure, INXS, Madonna, Culture Club, Wham, Duran Duran...if you have Pandora, there is a set on there called Wham that plays 80's music.

    I have recently discovered audio books. You can download them for free from your public library. I've been listening to Jane Austen's, Emma for the last week and a half. I'm familiar with the story, so I don't have to think super hard like I would if I were reading it for the first time. I tune into the lovely English accent of the narrator and get lost. I can't believe how much cleaning I've done! My house has looked great every day and I can't wait to have some chore to do so I can get lost in Austen. :D

  7. When we were little we'd always turn on the Beach Boys while we cleaned. Abba is always good too.

  8. I like movie sound tracks like You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, The Parent Trap. Also pro girl stuff like Martina McBride. And love Michael Buble or Frank Sinatra. Beatles have good work music too. Anything that makes you feel happy is good work music.

  9. ooh, and LOVE the Austen suggestion!

  10. Anything Billy Joel. He's my go to cleaning guy since our first apartment in college.

  11. Right now mine has Taylor Swift's Love Story and You Belong to Me on it, plus Cold Play's Viva la Vida, some Counting Crows, U2, and No Doubt (just to spice it up)

  12. Queen and Billy Joel are my favorites to listen to during cleaning! When I still lived at home I'd listen to Queen on the record player. Loved that pop and hiss!

  13. Oddly enough... (truly! since this isn't my standard taste in music) I love Aerosmith and Will Smith while cleaning. :)

  14. I love cleaning to Shania Twain's Come on Over CD. I just LOVE it! And it's the only time I really listen to that CD. It just gets me in the mood for cleaning.

  15. I love to "swab the decks" to my Pirates of the Carribean soundtrack. Seriously, it's AWESOME to scrub a tub while that music is playing.

  16. I'm a goofy Mom. I love to listen to the Disney Classics sountracks. There are 7 or more and they are a mix of songs from all the Disney movies we love. I guess I get lost in singing and by the time Drip Drip Drop Little April Showers is on my kitchen is done. Not only that my kids love it too.

  17. For me it's the Glee soundtrack (of 'glee cast' station on Pandora) or some of my running music (like 'put a ring on it.') 'cause you know you can clean faster and with more attitude when you're cleaning with beyonce!


  18. for me i clean to the same music I run to...incubus, muse, whatever gets my heart pumping!

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