Friday, March 26, 2010

Capturing Spring--Cast Your Vote!

There is just one bad thing about this Spring Photo Contest and it is this:
it is incredibly difficult to choose finalists. Oh, is it hard!

Please don't be sad if your submission isn't in line below; we think your kids are cute. We think your blossoms are magnificent. We think your moments are beautiful. It's just that we were trying to narrow it down to ten from an incredible collection of submissions. (And then, heaven help us, we couldn't quite do it-so we chose twelve finalists!) Thanks to all of you for your lovely submissions. What we especially loved, was the variety of photos we received--so many different takes on Spring. Through your photos, you represented the diversity of the United States and world and your own unique lives. So beautiful.

The process of choosing finalists has rendered us completely incapable of another round of judgment. So, we need your help. There's a poll on our sidebar right now which lists each of the following photos; it will stay up through the weekend. Please vote (just once) for your favorite photo.

Voting will end Sunday night at 10:00 pm PST.
Winner will be announced Monday morning.

Southern California Spring by Darcy

"Here in Southern California Spring may not arrive with such a dramatic entrance as it does in other parts of the country, but Spring is still alive and well here in Los Angeles! The rain falls and the flowers begin to bloom and we find ourselves surrounded by all the beauty of the season."

Potential by Jessica

"This cactus jumped out of nowhere from the side of a busy desert road--unintended, untended and beautiful. It made my day. To me, this image is a reminder that even under the prickliest of circumstances, all things--including cacti and people like you and like me--have BLOOM potential."

Spring by Kayli

"Spring-- finding water, throwing rocks, hunting frogs, building dams, being out again."

Flying Kites by Melissa

"In California, March brings the wind and clear, crisp, sunny days. Our Daddy is the kite flying master, and we love going to the park to fly our kites!

Spring - The First Bits by Sabrina

"This photo was taken last week when the temperatures got warm for the first time this year here in Chicago. I was able to "air out" my kiddos and it was a glorious afternoon for all of us. My oldest (pictured) plopped down on the driveway, closed his eyes and said, 'This is the life!'"

Birdie eating tree by Annelise

"Spring comes late in Colorado. Just yesterday we got nearly two feet of snow. I love this tree! All winter long, when everything else was dreary gray, the pods(?) remained a gorgeous red. In the last two weeks, the birds have come out to enjoy what's left of winter."

Adelaide in Flowers by Heather

"We went to the park earlier this week so I brought the camera along. My daughter, Adelaide, was completely mesmerized by the wildflowers around her."

Playing in the Dirt by Kristy

"I went outside with my little boy to play in the yard. He loves dirt. I can't wait until it is a little warmer so I can strip him down and let him play in the mud :)"

Kids Reading by Katrina

"We've had a few warm days the past couple weeks, and this day all four kids sat outside on our front porch in the late afternoon sun to read. A true sign that Spring is here!"

Laundry on the Line by Kelly

"Spring means it's time to hang laundry outside again!"

Ginormous spider webs by Toria (taken in Dubai!)

"Pointing these out to my 5-year-old on our bike ride to school would likely mean being late (yet again). His fascination and excitement, as well as my own intrigue in the beauty of these little creatures was worth being a few minutes late."

Pikes Place by Sara

"I was at Pikes Place in Seattle last weekend. Stunning floral visuals!"

Time to cast your vote!


  1. Aaack! How to decide? Can I vote 5 times?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Such cute pictures! They make me feel happy on this snowy (seriously? again?) day in Utah. I did vote, but it wasn't easy to decide. Thanks to all for sharing your wonderful pictures!

  4. wow. those are ALL so neat!!! I want some of them on my wall-- the robin sitting on the red budded branches (Annelin?) is so beautiful I want to buy it. is it for sale?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Spring by Kayli

    -Jane in Maryland

  7. So many cute pictures but I vote for Spring by Kayli

  8. i vote for Spring by Kayli.

    it makes me want to do that with my kids :)

  9. adelaide in flowers!! such a great composition

  10. All the pictures were nice. Ilove cacti, and it was beautiful, so i guess thats my vote., next is spring by Kayli, sorry Kate.

  11. Ginormous spider webs by Toria
