Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Best deodorant??

I can't tell you how many times I've sat cross-legged on the floor of the toiletrees aisle at Target, scouring the deodorant section. I've sniffed and sniffed, and am never satisfied. All those baby powder smells make me want to gag. And so many times I've paid $4 for one, only to wear it for 2 days and hate it! I just can't take it. Help a sister out, Bloomers! What's the best deodorant?

Forever grateful,


  1. I love Dove´s deodorants. Just don´t ever get the "original" scent.

  2. dove cool essentials. i think that is it. it has a picture of a cucumber. light scent and works well.

  3. I love Dove. And unlike Michemily I like the original scent.

  4. I agree with Dove (original) But, I have had great luck making my own (equal parts coconut oil, cornstarch & baking powder melted in the microwave). Cool slightly & pour into an empty container (if you need antiperspirant this won't do that - but keeps the stink away).

    Dove Hairspray has less stink factor too.

  5. PS oops.. baking SODA (not powder). oops... Don't use baking powder (yuck).

  6. Odor is caused by bacteria, not sweat. I use one of the salt crystal deoderants that you wet before rubbing on your underarms. The salt kills the bacteria. It works really well and lasts forever.

  7. Yeah, we make our own like Andrea. (Recipe from littlehouseinthesuburbs.com) But then again, we're working on eliminating a lot of beauty products with crazy ingredients. Whether or not they "work," it's becoming less and less worth it (to us) to coat our bodies in stuff that could be damaging us in the long-run.

  8. This has been a life long quest for me too, Anne. :) Has anyone out there ever used Certain Dry? It's amazing. You only use it a few times a month, you put it on at night right after a shower. The next morning you put on your regular deodorant, and it works wonders. Warning: this stuff is for serious 'sweat'ers. Right now, I'm using Dove Cool Essentials.

  9. I've been experimenting lately, and have found that Secret Clinical Strength works best for me, especially in the hot humid climate I get to deal with in the summer.

  10. I am often found wearing the hub's Degree. . . love that manly man smell.

  11. Make your own!! It's so easy and really works plus it's so much better for you! I have been doing this forever and even in 100 degree heat and humidity I don't stink!!! Here's a link to the recipe I use from my blog:


    Have fun!

  12. Another vote for Dove! Love the stuff so much, I buy it in bulk at Costco.

  13. I like all the new clinical protection ones. Degree, secret, and dove. they are expensive, but you can get coupons, and it is worth it! I hate gel and powder, and this is a nice mix that doesn't leave you feeling sticky, or sweaty. I am a smelly sweater, but I have been embarassment free with these. Although I live in the desert...

  14. I don't like any of the women's deodorants. I finally settled on using the same kind as my husband. Degree for men.
    Lately I don't even like that.
    I have been just rubbing coconut oil and cetaphil lotion on my underarm area. Its not the best antipersperant, but I swear there is no smell.

  15. I have used Secret Clinical Strength for about a year. Its fabulous.

  16. The thing I struggle with deodorant on is every antiperspirant I've tried stains my clothes about 3 times faster. My husband learned that over the years and when he told me as a newlywed about this I stopped using antiperspirant and only used products with deodorant only in them and it's so true! I wish companies would recognize this more so they would make more products out there that won't stain. I thought it would bother me to only use deodorant instead of antiperspirant but I actually don't notice any more sweating than without antip. than with it as long as I'm using deodorant. Sounds funny, I know. I also have a slight allergy to poly. glycol which is in every deodorant so I have to be careful. Target carries one brand that has no fragrance in it but works well for me: herbal clear naturally. I might try making my own now that I know you can. Thanks for the tips everyone!

  17. I have a cabinet full of perfumes that have been sitting for years because I just can't stand to add one more scent to the mix--deodorant, lotion, hairspray...figuring out how to coordinate all those smells is a serious job!
    I used to be a Dove-er, Cool Essentials as well, but have since moved on to the Secret Clinical Strength. It really has no scent, and since you put it on at night, by morning I can do my hair, lotion up and not feel like a walking perfume counter.
    I do like the idea of making your own...I'll have to look into that.

  18. As I'm reading this, it kind of occurs to me that I usually forget to wear deodorant. Is that gross? I don't think I'm smelly though. I don't know friends...am I smelly? It's just that between all the baths I take (like often 2 a day...I like baths a lot) and the fact that I rarely break a sweat, I don't seem to need it. It must be hormones too, cause when I was a teenager there wasn't a deodorant on the market that could keep my pits dry. At any rate... there are several kinds that are unscented. I usually go for those. I can't even wear perfume...it makes me gag. OK...I'm done!

  19. clinical protection dove, and clinical protection suave

  20. Degree, no question! I hate powdery scents too. I'm no longer a baby, for crying out loud! Degree has a wide range of scents. Some of them are too much, and there's even the ubiquitous powdery one, but there are also perfect, nearly non-scented ones. And it WORKS!

  21. I'm also a firm believer that you need antiperspirant plus deodorant. I'm not a heavy sweater but any sweat rings just aren't good.

  22. LOL! Rushed out of the house this morning without deoderant. Thanks for the reminder. I'm a couponer so like to get my deoderant free so have tried many different brands over the past year (depending on what deals were to be had). My recent fave is Dove Ultimate Visibly Smooth. It really minimizes the stubble which will be great at the pool this summer!

  23. I am loving (and laughing!) that my deodorant dilemma has pulled so many comments! What a family!

    I'm taking this list with me to the store today...wish me luck!

  24. I love Degree Shower Clean- and if you use coupons, you can get it for $.50 sometimes. That's when I stock up.

  25. Hands down, Dove. I have the cucumber scent? right now, I love it. i buy a big pack at Costco, it lasts forever.

  26. Lately I've been using Dove. However, I tend to buy 3-4 at a time of a given deodorant and then use them until their gone. Then when I go back to the store I find something else with a different scent. I find if I use the same scent forever it just makes me sick to smell it. Plus, my underarms are super sensitive and I get rashes from lots of deodorants out there. I also get a rash if I use the same type for too long.

    I found out about my sensitivity after my husband (then boyfriend) bought me every single deodorant on the market as a gift for our first Christmas together. He thought he was SO funny. I'm still not laughing. :)

    P.S. Danielle: I often don't wear any either and don't smell. Or at least I think I don't! I try to remember to put it on if I'm leaving the house, but if I'm just around the house I don't usually work up a sweat...Or worry about how I smell for that matter! Maybe that's gross? Eek!

  27. I really like Secret pear deorderant. But during the summer I like to get the liquid kind. It helps with sweat taco's. :)

  28. Had no idea everyone else loved Dove Cucumber Cool Essentials too!
    super light scent, never know it's there.

  29. I'm afraid I like the baby powder smell. When I was pregnant the first time I reacted to deodorants so I had to stop using them. I just used baby powder which worked well for me but I don't sweat that much. Generally, I hate that everything now has a scent. I used to be able to buy scent free everything and now it is getting harder and harder to find. How do you coordinate all of those scents? It is beyond me. Give me fragrance free...

  30. i started using the dove deoderant without antiperspirant and have loved how it works and stays fresh throughout the day, even with perspiration. I used to use Secret but found it started to stink toward the end of the day. I've heard that if you have trouble finding a deoderant that works you should switch it up every couple months or so so that you don't get accostomed to one type and become immune to it. I don't know if that's valid...but that's what i've heard.

  31. Second vote for Degree Shower Clean. Doesn't smell powdery or girly or manly. Just fresh.

  32. I've been using Dove ultimate for years now and love it. My new favorite scent though is 'energizing' grapefruit and lemongrass, which I've been using for over a year and I'm still not sick of it. Look for the yellow lid. Dove is hands down the best!

  33. Wow. I've never seen a post on deoderant before but would like to add my two cents' worth!

    I use Secret's French Lavender deoderant and the girls I work with at church will hug me then go "wow..you smell soooo good!" and I cannot admit to them it's my deoderant!! :)

    or maybe my perfume but I don't wear much of that.

  34. After decades of using store-bought deods, I now make my own and it's the best stuff ever - plus, no nasty chemicals. Using this recipe. I put together my own spin (using less baking soda, as too much irritated my armpits) and some lavender oil for a second scent (the coconut oil has a very nice, light aroma itself.)


  35. I also like Certain Dri. It is definitely a more serious deodorant than most others on the market. I use it at night, before heading off to sleep. I often miss a night or two and it doesn't matter, works for a long time.

  36. I agree with Dove (original)deodorant.beacuse I like it and i used it.Deodorent is best product for our health.

    best deodorant
