Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Winter Flowers


Don't you just love the way you feel when you have fresh flowers in your home? My favorite thing about spring and summer is flowers. Flowers in my garden. Flowers on my kitchen table and mantle. Flowers in my hair. But then winter comes, and my yard turns into nothing much but dirt and a few limp pansies.

Of course, sometimes a husband plays the hero--like last week, when mine walked in at dinner time with a bouquet of pink roses that made me swoon. But who can afford do to that every week?


Today I'm offering some ideas to keep flowers in your life all winter long.

1. Amaryllis. This last December my mother brought over three giant Amaryllis bulbs. It was fun to watch them shoot up over a couple of weeks, and then they surprised me by blooming for another two weeks or so. Amaryllis are stunning, to say the least. (Of course, we are past the time to get them now. But don't worry, I'll remind you next November. The nice thing is, if you care for them correctly, you can get the same bulbs to bloom each year.)


2. Poinsettias. Did you have Poinsettias this Christmas? Do you still have them? Mine just kept thriving through January, and I was thrilled that it was healthy, but bored looking at it in its green cellophane-covered pot. It seemed weird to keep it around so long after the holidays, but it was still lovely. So, I cut off the various sprigs and put them in vases of water. I much prefer the milk glass to the green cellophane!

3. Primroses. I just potted these on my front porch and they tickle me daily. They are so rich in color. Love them!

4. Camelias. These are so fun because they are evergreen and they bloom in winter. (See all those juicy buds getting ready to open?!)


Camelias are my favorite to wear in my hair.

Happy planting!


  1. I miss flowers.
    I need the reminder to get those bulbs in November so please do so ;D
    I don't get poinsettas because they are poisonous if eaten and I have three little ones that would eat them. :(
    My husband got me flowers for valentines day. They reminded me how much I miss them. Thank goodness spring is just around the corner here in Utah. :)

  2. i just got my new BHG magazine yesterday and added flower shopping on my today's to do list -- you've inspired me even more so to accomplish this task! they sure brighten a day, don't they?

  3. I LOVE amaryliss. They are so pretty. We have quite a few but are not having any success growing them this year. :(

  4. I LOVE flowers on my table! Brightens everything up. I'm sad I wasn't "in the know" to get those amaryliss bulbs, they are gorgeous! I'll know better this fall ;)

  5. Thanks for sharing this with us all. Flowers can certainly change the whole mood of your house and put you in a better mood too! I also love to get orchids since they don't cost much more than a nice bouquet, but they stay in bloom for close to 2 months. Trader Joe's has great deals on them (sorry Utah no TJ's there) as well as Costco and Home Depot. I'm on a mission though to plant some prime roses now. So pretty! Thanks again.
