Friday, February 19, 2010

We Love You This Much (and more)

Dear Readers,

We love you. We love your comments, your conversation, your warmth. We love that you come here to participate each day. We love that you send us links and tips and articles. We love that you have helped us form a beautiful community of women who want to be more.

And we want to say thank you.


We've put together a little package of some of our faves and we are giving it away to one lucky reader! (Oh, that we were Oprah and could treat each and every one of you!)


Clockwise from top left: Amy Butler hostess apron (handmade by Anne), assortment of cupcake liners, variety of collaged cards (handmade by Em), a few classic children's books to add to your collection, and a mixed CD of songs to enjoy with your littles.

To enter, tell us your favorite thing about Bloom or what your favorite Bloom post has been. You have until Sunday night at midnight (Pacific time) to enter, and we will happily announce the winner on Monday morning.

Happy Weekend!
Em and Anne


  1. I love that Bloom was started by normal people (that happen to be adorable and talented and smart) and that you present beautiful, true and pertinent things.

  2. I love that you post such positive things about motherhood. It is inspiring.

  3. I really like that this blog is about everyday life and mothering, but with a very 'positive-can-do' attitude. I am always looking for other up beat points of view to encourage and inspire me to be better. Thanks!

  4. My favorite thing: Bloom is always the first site I check when I sit down at the computer. It gives me inspiration for the day and leaves me with an image of pretty things and the feeling that I can do it! I also really enjoy the perspectives and essays from so many different women--it feels like a real community and I just wish that I could be real-life friends with all these amazing ladies!! I definitely struggle with finding friends locally who have the same philosophies and value system that I do, and it's so refreshing and uplifting to have that community here (kind of akin to growing up the only LDS kid in your high school, etc.)

  5. I love the real-life view of motherhood that Bloom presents. It's not rainbows and sunshine all the time and that is okay. We still find joy and inspiration in the small things. I feel like Bloom tries to live this truth.

  6. I love that Bloom is so positive. I love reading about all different aspects of motherhood/womanhood.

  7. I don't know if I could pick just one favorite post! I just love your site! Some blogs make me feel like I'm not cutting it as a mom/wife/woman, but what I read here reassures me that I'm normal and inspires me to do better. Great job girls.

    ps. I found an old picture yesterday that we all took one summer at the park. Do you remember the ones that we took wearing white shirts? I had a good laugh.

  8. I appreciate that you show real people with real challenges...and that you had the auction for the Skinners. :) That's how I found you.

  9. Bloom has really helped me to be a little less terrified of making the switch to being a stay at home mom in a few weeks. It gives me perspective and hope.

  10. Bloom has made me a better mother. No joke. I don't yell as much, I cherish my babes more, and I just feel like I have a bunch of cheerleaders! I love Bloom! (have you heard me say thing ever?:)

    Thank you, bloom ladies!

  11. I'm fairly new to Bloom, but I'm finding it to be a new favorite. I've already found that things I've read here come back to me and genuinely influence me. I liked the guest post the other day where she talked about "choosing your friends wisely" in the context of blog reading, and I think Bloom will be a good friend to have.

  12. I love the perspectives from so many mothers that excel in varied interests. It inspires me to do something new, be something better and relish the gift that is motherhood which I am oh so lucky to finally partake of. Thank you!

  13. My favorite thing you have done is the handmade parade. I loved all the ideas and I love how handmade is coming back! You guys make me think that I can learn new skills and be a better mother. I also LOVED the two posts you did this week about enjoying your children. Loved it.

    Thanks guys! We love you, too!

  14. I love the focus on motherhood.

    One appreciated post was one on teaching kids to read. It was great reminders of what I studied in school years ago before my babies. It helped me re-motivate my then 4 year old.

  15. My favorite article was the one of the hearing aids on the countertop. Like so many of your posts, it was moving and humbling. I look forward to reading Bloom each day so I can get my daily dose of inspiration, with a chuckle thrown in for good measure. I appreciate feeling like I belong somewhere, and without having to reveal all my faults, I can glean from each post ideas on how to work on those falterings.

  16. I feel like I've found a blog version of a kindred spirit here at Bloom. I can't count the times I've been thinking about a particular topic, only to come here and find a well thought out and inspiring post on the subject.

    Thanks for creating such a beautiful and inspiring little corner of the internet.

  17. Aww shucks! I love you too the moon and back. Bloom has become a quiet place for me to turn to for uplifting encouragement, creative ideas and sometimes a good laugh. My favorite posts have been on photography and I have learned and applied a lot of the principles taught.

  18. I love the posts on Living Simply and enjoying Motherhood. But really, I love them all.

  19. I'm newer to Bloom, but from what I have read, I have to say that the posts about enjoying motherhood have been my favorite. Close runners up are anything that add organization and beauty to each day--this pretty much covers about every post. :D I love the budgeting discussions as well the hints on where to buy pretty cupcake papers (which I promptly went and ordered!). Thanks for all the love you put into your site. It's truly one of my new favorite places to visit. :)

  20. I like the Friday Forums and reading through the comments! Love you girls!

  21. I've appreciated the tips for organizing my house (and life) better. I also really like the things Abbie has shared (I guess it helps that I used to know her). And I enjoyed the piece a while back about home food storage; I'd love to see more of that this year.

  22. I have really enjoyed reading your blog because of the realistic factor associated with each post. You guys are real moms, doing practical, small, yet very important things that help you be better at what you do. It is very empowering and motivating in many ways.

  23. I just love the honesty. You're so willing to discuss your ideals and your shortcomings and your love and your struggles and your opinions (even when they might not be very popular). And you try to cover every aspect of mindful, beautiful living that you feel is important, not just crafting or baking. I appreciate that.

  24. I LOVE Bloom! There have been so many posts that I have really enjoyed. I think the one that has influenced me the most was the one by Kate about her project 365. I started my own on Jan 1 and am finding it to be extremely helpful in finding joy in my journey of young motherhood. Thanks Anne and Emily!

  25. Wow, great comments. You should feel blessed by all these great ladies that feel such inspiration from something you created. I admit that I read Bloom last because that is how I want to launch my morning away from cyberspace and into reality. I love the variety on Bloom. I am a bit older than you two and my 5kids range from 14 to 2 but I can guarantee that something will relate to my circumstances. One of my favorites was the photography section. Loved improving my skills and learning new ways to improve my "eye". Thanks again.

  26. I love that I can be inspired here in such a real way. It's pertinent, timely, and positive without being overbearing or overwhelming. Things real moms in real life can do to make things better. LOVE it!! Mucho gracias!

  27. p.s. You should know that you inspired me to host a valentine's party for my kids. They loved it. So did I. Thanks.

  28. I'm a fairly new follower of Bloom. So far my favorite post has been the Wed., Jan. 27, 2010 Thoughts on Simplicity from Amy of Progressive Pioneer. That was the first post that I read on your site and the one that got me hooked :)

  29. My recent favorite was Enjoying Motherhood by guest Danielle. It really helped me to see the time that I was wasting with my young children and to see that one day I will wish these days were back...even though they're so difficult right now! Thanks for such a great website! I love how you have a wide range of things you post about, and I love them all!

  30. I love the way I feel when I read Bloom. It makes me enthusiastic about my daily tasks as a mom and reminds me to cherish the special moments.

  31. my favorite thing about bloom is that i feel uplifted and inspired to do a little better in my role of motherhood.
    thank-you for helping me to strive harder to do my best.

  32. i think all of the posts have been great, but i really like the ones on motherhood. we all know its hard to balance your life with little ones so its nice to hear how other mothers handle it!

  33. I love Bloom because I love the Bloomers. What a fantastic group of normal, everyday moms you've collected to contribute to this site. I love normal. And I love you. So there.

  34. @Kalli Jo- Bloomers! Cute name!

    I love the positivity found here. Uplifting, but real. Love it!

  35. Of all my saved posts in Bloglovin', the majority are from Bloom. My favorite one recently was the "I Love You Rituals" post. I have 3 little girls and this spoke to my life right now. I love the variety at Bloom, and how nearly every post brightens my week somehow. Helps me be a better wife, mom, woman.

  36. A recent favorite is the post about putting your kids on your to-do list. Simple and important.

  37. I love hearing the awesome and uplifting things you have to say. I've looked up to you gals since I was 12 at Girl's Camp and I still do! Its wonderful to read all the tips you have, and see the beautiful lives you lead.

  38. Ladies! Thank you. I found Bloom when the Progressive Pioneer guest blogged, and I have been LOVING your site since! As the other women commented above, Bloom is so special and unique because it remains grounded in the mundane, and yet transforms the mundane from boring or even negative to extraordinary and positive. Your site helps me to stay grounded as a mother and wife while elevating my ideas, every day rituals & routines to a meaningful level.
    As for my favorite post, it is Friday, Feb. 5ths. Your short stories about leisure suits and non-perfumed hair inspired me to put a little spark back into my life...for me, my hubs, and my boys! So simple. So real. Oh-how the little things matter so! Thank you again!

  39. I love the "How to Make Your Own Chocolates". I was also inspired by the kitchen makeover. rebolsen at gmail dot com

  40. I love how Bloom has such great ideas about being a better Mother. It's inspiring. I have loved the recent articles on being good mothers.

  41. My favorite thing about Bloom is the encouragement you give to us all to be the best mother, wife, sister, friend, etc that we can be.

  42. My favorite post(s) are on living simply. I was so inspired by these posts. I did some soul searching and some list making. The inspirational posts...this is why I read bloom everyday!

  43. So cute! My favorite post was how to make your own candy! Ha ha!

  44. i love reading this blog! especially the projects...and now that i have a babe i love how there is great advice that doesn't make a mom (me) feel guilty if she isn't perfect :) hard to find.

  45. I love that normal mothers come together to talk about normal things. And I love that I know some of those that have posted! Means a little more, you know?
    Nice work Bloom!

  46. I love that you celebrate us as individuals and wives, as well as mothers and do-ers. Thanks!

  47. oh so sweet! I love all the ideas and inspiration that comes from BLOOM!

  48. I LOVE IT...I love that it is real....I love all of the ideas that I walk away with.... I love Bloom!! wink!

  49. Okay, I couldn't narrow it down to just one post! My three favorites have been: the one on picking a word for the year instead of customary New Year's resolutions (mine for 2010 is "resourceful"), how to cut bangs, and the coverage of Benson and Claire. This is a great blog and I look forward to reading what you produce!

  50. I love that BLOOM stays "real" with every subject they talk about. It doesn't feel like I am reading a blog that I could never achieve to, I feel like the things you talk about I can maybe accomplish and try. I love that you also talk about the important things, motherhood, family, love, taking time for ourselves, our spouses, our family. My favorite post was the LOVE week :) Pick me please

  51. One of my favorite posts was from you, Em when you recognized that Bloom was getting a little too "flowery" and "overachiever." I appreciate how conscientious and careful you have since been to "Keep it Real." None of us need another blog to make us feel lousy and untalented. Bloom has found a fine balance between motivating women/mothers to be better and more---and yet still allowing us to grapple with our weaknesses and struggles. The camaraderie is truly something lovely and sweet for all of us to savor on a daily basis. The blog title could not be more appropriate as it nourishes and inspires us to all flourish and bloom at our own pace and under our own set of circumstances.
    Thank you, Ladies. You two have created something truly great. Well done :)

  52. My favorite thing so far is the collaboration of contributors. I love seeing into other people's homes and what they are doing. A great place for learning and ideas.

  53. Here's the thing about Bloom: even when I miss reading for days at a time (like I did this week!) I still feel compelled to go back and read every post that I missed. Because I know they'll be worth my time. That's what I love about Bloom. It's worth my time.

    The other thing I love is the synergy - the way everyone's contributions and comments add to the original content and ideas.

    It's simply a delightful little (big!) community to be part of! Thanks, dear friends. Well done, indeed!

  54. My 3 year old has decided to experiment in wiping his own bum this week, take pity on me! I love bloom because sometimes reading your posts remind me what's important, and others it helps me escape from it all... for a minute.

  55. I love that Bloom is so appropriately titled. That even though I am not a sewer, a chef, or a home decor pro-knowing that there are others out there that do things a little bit differently than me-gives me the inspiration to imagine myself as someone who does all those things. That, if not today, someday soon I can stretch myself open just a little bit more to the sun and "bloom" somewhere new and exciting, yet still be true to who I am.

    Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I am typing this after about 20 hours of painting and re-decorating my bedroom (which I never would have conquered were it not for bloom-see how much you've rubbed off on me?

  56. I was hooked to your simplicity article and interview. Loved 'em! I blog about simplicity, so it always feels refreshing to find similar thoughts.
    Thanks ladies!

  57. not entering for giveaway, just wanted to say, love your diversity, honesty, and you have heart!

  58. great giveaway!! i loved your series on simple living (it actually inspired me to quit babysitting - thanks to the "what brings you joy?" question), and i also have been meaning to try the quinoa chili. :)


  59. I love the I Love U photo collage - so sweet.

  60. I love that this is a place where we can all share ideas/thoughts/feelings, and help each other be better. What a blessing to have a community of women who are trying to become better.

  61. I really enjoyed this post:
    I could definitely relate!! Thanks for a great blog!

  62. I have just recently found your blog, but I love the way I relate to nearly everything you write. Your posts are very "real", but also very positive, and your love your children and your life comes through even when you write about a problem. It reminds me how much I love being with my family, and how much of a gift it is to care for them!

  63. I love the things that are made on your site. It is always things that I myself can make. The fact that my daughter-in-law Sally contributes to your site is an added bonus!

  64. Love Love Love the honesty. I really liked the No More yelling Mommy post. :) It takes a lot to admit a problem we want to change, but even more to do something about it. :)

  65. I love the Bloom is so positive. I feel like it's a place where women can come to support one another and receive support from each other. I enjoy reading the comments and especially like the Friday Forums.

  66. I love that all of your posts are positive and uplifting. In a world where it is so easy to be negative and judgemental, you will find none of that here! Thanks Anne and Em!


  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. My favorite posts are always the ones about being a mom. So many people these days don't give credit to the stay at home mom and how much work it is.
    My favorite thing about Bloom is that you have guest authors.


  69. I've been here on Bloom for a few months now, and I can honestly say that it is one of my favorite blogs. Bloom has more starred posts on my google reader than any of the other blogs that I follow. There are so many thoughtful and inspiring posts that I know I will want to reference back to for myself or for friends. Thanks Bloom!

  70. I love that Bloom acknowledges the good and the bad -- it really helps me to keep perspective as a mother. Your posts (and the comments) help me feel normal on those not-so-great days, but also help me to see more joy in every day. We're all a work-in-progress, getting better all the time. Thank you!

  71. My favorite posts were the "capturing everyday" photography. Those kinds of posts buoy me up and remind me that raising children and nurturing others is the best and most fulfilling part of my life.

  72. I love that Bloom hosts auctions for children in need - I think that is really wonderful. Thanks! alicedemskehansen at

  73. I love your blog because you bring so many other people in to Bloom. I am now finding other blogs that I love through yours. Thank you for helping me to make other connections.
