Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wall of Love & Our Simply Modern Mom Debut

Don't wait 'til February 14th to make Valentines. Dedicate a family night to heart-making. Simple love notes will do. Just so long as they're heart-shaped. Make some for your own little family and some to ship off to grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and cousins.

And then hang yours up to make a

Wall of

Last year we had so much fun adding to our love wall as heart-shaped greetings trickled in from far away friends and family. And it makes your own heart do a bit of fluttering to walk by a wall in your home and see so much evidence of love. My parents also have a wall of love at their house (in fact it was my sweet mom who started this tradition) - so it was kind of fun to think about our greetings hanging on their wall, too.

How do you make Valentine's Day special at your house? Any fun traditions?

***Also...we're blogging at Simply Modern Mom today.
Head on over for some kid-friendly Valentines ideas. Hearts!***


  1. We plaster the door to our girls' bedroom with hearts the night before Valentine's Day. We write special memories and things that we love about our girls on the hearts. We love watching their eyes light up in the morning when they see their door and read all of the things that mom and dad love about them.

  2. What a great idea! I need to do this with my family. We do a thankful tree at Thanksgiving time, but this would be great for little love notes.

    I make a "heart path" from my girls' bunkbeds to the kitchen table where they find heart-shaped pancakes and a special treat where they sit. I think they like the heart path more than the treat. :)
