Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sewing/Play Room Makeover by Anna of Noodleheads

Something we'd like to be doing more often at Bloom is swapping interior design inspiration and getting glimpses of each others' homes. We'd love to see the evidences of creativity and resourcefulness in your space. Let's collaborate!

When we found out that Anna of Noodleheads was planning to give her sewing room a makeover, we asked her if she'd share the transformation with us. She graciously agreed.

We love the way she achieved several purposes with this room (sometimes that's a necessity in small homes, no?) but still kept the space calm and balanced.

Enjoy her brief chronicle of the project and pictures below and then head on over to her blog for a more detailed description of the transformation and more photos!

Thanks, Anna...

"I'm excited to reveal my new sewing room/ play room to Bloom readers! I really enjoyed the creative process of this room transformation. I guess I didn't realize how desperately I needed some organization.

I turned to my trusty sidekick, Ikea, for the fabric storage unit as well as my window bench and rug. Of course I picked up a few of their stylish organizing containers as well; who can resist? (baskets, magazine holders, glass jars, and my favorite - the lamp!).

What was really great was that I already had most of the room pieces. I had gotten my desk, shelf, red chair, and my wardrobe all a few years ago. I did steal the red chair from my daughter's room, but she didn't miss it much because her little sister moved in to share her bedroom (instead of ours).

Don't worry, there's no huge pile of fabric behind those wardrobe doors! That's my actual clothes closet. I keep all my clothes in there because our house has one closet, yes one, and my husband uses it. I know, crazy. It works for us though!

The colors really make my day, it's such a bright and happy room. I also love having the girls' craft table and some toys and books in there, too. I absolutely love the prints I bought from Etsy seller Printspace:

image via Printspace

I love the Thoreau quote on the one print "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams live the life you've imagined." The quote just about sums up everything about my life as well as my children's life right now. And now I think we have the space to go and set our hearts to any dreams we can imagine!"

More here!


  1. Wow I love the before and after and how awesome the after shots are ;) I wanna have it done for me now!

  2. Crisp, inviting, colorful, fresh, and quite the efficient use of space! Well done, Anna. Thank you for sharing your project with us :)

  3. Lovely! It came together so well. Nice job.

  4. Ooooh I LOVE this! I am always so intrigued with room makeovers and decor inspiration. Because I need it. Badly. I am loving the room! So bright and cheery, just what I like. Bloom please do more of these, like I said I need all the help I can get ;)

  5. My kids' playroom needs a makeover something fierce! I love what she has done with hers - especially the color scheme! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love that print. It reminds me of the free prints you can download here:

    The other day I downloaded my favorites, too the files to my local copy shop and about four dollars later had 10 high quality prints to frame. They are going in my daughter's play room that I am currently making over.

  7. very cute love the colors. She did a great job organizing and making it all work together! With our 3rd on the way and living in only a 3 bedroom 1400 sq ft home, I have had to really really squeeze things into spaces and make it all work and flow nicely. It is not an easy task, so good job ANNA!

  8. Sewing/playroom... Brilliant! Give the kiddos something to do so they stay out of your stuff while you work on projects. Now I need one.

  9. Lovely! I need to do up my studio which will also be a guestroom when we have our number two child. Do you remember what colours you used on the walls? They're exactly the colours I want to use, I might be able to get them copied in an Australian paint brand.

  10. Hi Bloom! I love this makeover and am looking forward to reading Noodleheads. I did a makeover too:

  11. I just found your sight through the direction of Anna's blog Noodlehead for her guest post. Loving her & the post, I thought I'd peek around & oooooooh...I love the integration of the play room and the sewing room, great idea!

    Y'all definitely have a new follower/feed subscriber in me!

    May God bless you abundantly,
    Anita, a Knitting Junkie!
