Thursday, January 28, 2010

Toll House Pie

Hello Everyone,

It is Pamela from Frenchknots and I am so thrilled to be guest posting on BLOOM. I just luv Valentine's Day, it is the one holiday to hold me over until springtime. Cupid, lovebirds, hearts and sweets~ who wouldn't be in heaven? Anne and I put our heads together and decided I would guest post about something wonderfully yummy for Valentine's Day.

Toll House Pie

In Salt Lake, there is a local restaurant that I absolutely love and the reason I love it is: they have an amazing dessert menu. The Toll House Pie is an absolute must try, everyone whom I have taken there loves it and worships me as the go-to dessert queen. This dessert is truly my arch-nemisis, I love it and want to eat it, but my hips and wallet can't afford it on a daily basis. So, earlier this week I cooked up my own Valentine-y Toll House Pie. I will confess it is not a carbon copy, but it is a delicious second choice if on Valentines you can't snag your own tasty slice.

Being an all round cookie lover myself; sons and hubs included, this is the perfect dessert on Valentine's Day.

First make a pie crust:
2 cups flour -sifted
1 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup shortening
*mix flour, shortening and salt until crumbs
6-8 tablespoons ice water
*add water, chill in the fridge for at least an hour but up to overnight
Place dough in pan, flute edges and cook at 400 degrees until dough is just cooked about 8 minutes and not brown, not even a little bit.

Second make your cookie dough:
*Now if you have a incredible can't-use-any-other-cookie recipe go ahead and use it. Mine is below.
1/3 cup margarine
1/3 cup shortening
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup favorite nuts
1 cup chocolate chips
Place dough into pre-cooked pie shell and cook at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

I love this dessert heavy on the cookie dough. It makes it ooey, gooey, delicious! (Note: be aware that the dough doesn't get completely cooked, so if you're worried about raw eggs you might want to bake it a bit longer.) Allow to completely cool (can be made a day in advance and kept in the fridge) slice, add a generous dollop of pink whipping cream and cute sprinkles to boot.

Pink Whipping Cream: beat whipping cream on high until whipped and fluffy, add a smidgin of pink food coloring for a Valentine-y touch. (I like my whipping cream light pink, not neon.)

As a side note: I just love BLOOM! Anne and Emily have put together a wonderful site for Mom and gals alike. I feel so lucky to have found BLOOM and wish I lived closer to them so we could go to lunch.

3rd Person Bio: Pamela lives with her hubs and 2 sons in a little suburb outside of Salt Lake City. She loves to quilt, create, run and read. Twice a year she hosts a way fun, totally hip, handmade craft event in her local community called Tom and Lucy's Art Shoppe. If she wasn't busy enough she is currently training for a blogging running relay team: Eat.Blog.Run this spring.


  1. Are you kidding me?!! That is to die for!! Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Thanks for letting me guest post!! It was so fun to be apart of BLOOMS world for a day!!

  3. Absolutely love Pamela! How fun to see her over here today - and with a delicious recipe!! :)

  4. Loving this recipe. I think the hubs and kids will love me even more once I tackle this one head on. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Here are 2 things I love:
    1. Pie crust (not always a pie filling so much...)
    2. Cookie dough and cookies

    Pamela, this is a dream come true!

    (I may or may not make this without cooking the dough at all.)


  6. OH. MY. GOSH. I am FOR SURE making this for Valentines Day! Thanks for posting this recipe! I've had that Toll House Pie and I miss it! Yay! Now I can have it anytime :)

  7. Pink Whipping Cream! What a great idea!

  8. Pie meets cookie?!?! COUNT ME IN :)

  9. anne... I'm so glad to see that someone else loves pie crust so much :)
    I'm making this right now! It will be perfect for our snow day!
