Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Claire Update (!) and Auction Follow-up

Just wanted to give you all an update on Claire. Look at that sweet face - she sure seems to be doing well!
You can always check in on the Skinner's blog, but we'll give you the highlight reel here :)
The transplant went well. Claire had a few rough days of recovery, but overall things could not have gone more smoothly. And from what her mom says on the blog, she seems to be back to her happy, energetic self.
The best news of all is that she's back home with her family! And no more daily dialysis! Yay!
We hope it's all sunshine and gumdrops from here on out for you, Miss Claire!

Auction Follow-up: can't say it enough - thanks (again!) to everyone who participated. We contacted the donors of all purchased items a few weeks ago - hopefully you've shipped what you donated (sellers) and received what you purchased (buyers).
If you haven't, please contact us so we can re-contact the donor and find out what's going on. There was a lot to coordinate and the holidays came shortly after it all...so there may still be loose ends to tie up. Drop us a line if we can help in any way.


1 comment:

  1. Look at her cuteness! Oh my, that smile! So glad she's doing well.
