Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Trestle Design is here!

Friends. Does our blog header make us happy every time you come here? Do you think Emily Yates (our blog designer) is the greatest thing since sliced bread? Us, too! That's why we are so tickled to announce the opening of Emily's shop: Trestle Design.

Allow me to sound like an infomercial for a minute. Emily is my life's designer. She letter-pressed my wedding announcements, she designed my baby announcements, and I won't let anyone touch my blog headers but her. She is classic. She is fresh. She takes my suggestions (like "um, maybe something green?" or "you know, just a simple look") and somehow manages to perfectly capture what I'd hoped for but couldn't express. She is brilliant. Amen.

Right now there are 14 fresh, unique Christmas card designs for you to choose from in her shop so head on over and take a look.
Congrats, Emily!
Anne & Em

(p.s. scroll on down for our favorite ETSY picks this holiday season.)


  1. Congratulations Emily on opening your shop! She is pretty amazing.

  2. Thanks ladies! You both are just wonderful!

  3. Actually, your blog header is very difficult to see because the color is so light.

    The idea looks beautiful and intriguing. I kinda question the execution...and wish there were greater color contrast so it's easier to see.

  4. I love it all! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Anon,

    That's interesting. I have a nice sharp contrast on my screen. I wonder, do other people have that same problem? And could it just be a color adjustment issue?

  6. I think the color & contrast are perfect. I have no trouble seeing the header, and yes, it makes me happy when I do! In fact, I liked the light, freshness of it so much that I lightened the look of my own blog as well!
    Congrats on your shop, Emily. Your work is beautiful and refreshing.
