Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day of days...

Claire got a very important phone call today!

A miracle call.
If everything goes according to plan, she'll have a new liver and a new kidney this time tomorrow.
Every time I think/write/speak about it I just weep.
Read about it here.

And please, please pray for this sweet baby girl and her family.


  1. O weep with you. I will pray that all goes well. I work with kids who have illneses like yours and conditions that can not be cured. It is heart braking. I wish you all the best and God bless you! Marry Christmas!

  2. OMGosh that is absolutely WONDERFUL news. What a wonderful Holiday gift. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I pray that all goes well and that Claire makes a fast recovery. God bless you and your family. {{{HUGS to you and Claire}}}

  3. What wonderful news! YAY Claire! Prayers to the Skinner family and Merry Christmas!

  4. That is fabulous! I hope everything does go as planned!

  5. That was me, Joan...not Brandon :)

  6. That is so great! I am excited for them! What a wonderful time for it to happen too

  7. I'll be praying.

    Today is my beautiful baby girl's birthday so my heart is especially full - aching and so hopeful the parents and that sweet baby girl!



    Please keep up posted!

  8. That is fantastic! I'm a little teary myself.

  9. I've been thinking about this family non-stop since I heard the news - how they received a Christmas miracle but they also will have some hard times ahead of them. I wish them the Merriest Christmas ever and would love to help make it magical for them

    ~ Thanks for sharing their story with me
