Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Auction Payment FYI

Just wanted to let you all know that we only receive payment confirmations from the COTA webmaster once a day (in a mass spreadsheet form). So if you have not heard from us, or from the donor of the item you won -- please don't fret. Yet. So far we have only received payment confirmations for the people who paid Sunday night. All the donors of those items have been notified and have hopefully shipped their items. We should receive Monday's payment list soon. We will pass along info as soon as we receive receipt of payment. If you haven't paid yet, please click HERE and make your donation. If you need further instructions, they are HERE.
Meanwhile, thanks for your patience -- and just hang tight 'til you hear from us! I know many of you may be hoping to use these items as Holiday gifts -- we're working as quickly as possible to coordinate all of this.

em & anne


  1. so should we fret if we paid Sunday night and have not heard anything still?

  2. Ria - I'll e.mail you. I have contacted the donors of both of the items you purchased...

  3. Hi! I paid Tuesday and haven't heard anything.
