Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's not small, it's cozy.

Abbie is joining us today for some apartment home Q&A. She's a new New Yorker, living there with her husband and their two children. We’re excited to get a little peak at her cozy Manhattan home. Read more about their adventure here.

Let the questions begin!

Q: How many square feet is your apartment?

A: About 850 square feet.

Q: How do you keep things clean and organized in a small space with two kids?

A: Throw it away or give it away! If you haven’t used it in the last two years, it should be in the garbage or at goodwill. I also try to clean up every night. A little mess can look enormous in a small space, and I hate waking up to an enormous mess.

Q: What is your favorite spot in your apartment?

A: Definitely the bay window in our bedroom. We spend hours sitting backwards on our bed looking out at the boats in the Hudson, New Jersey, the park, and the (really far away) Empire State Building. We feel really spoiled to have such a great view.

Q: What was the most challenging room to put together?

A: The kids’ bedroom/playroom. It was tricky finding/making girl stuff that wasn’t too girlie and boy stuff that wasn’t to boy…ie. And, if you have kids, you know it’s hard to find a good way to organize their toys. I also made a lot of the wall décor, so I was up late multiple nights getting my craft on. My husband would come home to the crafting zone: paint, scrapbook paper, and a lot of Mod Podge all over.

Q: Any decorating tips for a tight budget?

A: A lot of IKEA, a lot of Mod Podge, scrapbook paper, little bottles of acrylic paint or spray paint, and most of all – using stuff you already have. Things always look better with a fresh coat of paint and paper Mod Podged to it.

Q: So, what is your favorite homemade creation?

A: Hmm...that's hard. Can I give you five? :)
* pictures will link you to more info on the projects)

1&2. the FHE chart and 3D family picture that my son helped with:

3. the vanity:

4&5. super girlie shelf and the top of the kids' dresser:

That's our little corner of Manhattan. Hope you enjoyed the tour! If you have any questions about any of the décor or the projects pictured, don’t hesitate to contact me or check out our blog.

Thanks for having me, Bloom!

Thanks for being here, Abbie. I love the way you've put pieces of yourself and your style in every room of your home! Can't wait to have you back at Bloom again.


  1. Thanks for the tour! That was 850 sq feet thick with gorgeousness. You have done amazing things with Modge Podge! And I would trade a thousand sq. ft. for that view alone!

  2. I love that you mod-podged that darling paper on the top of the dresser. Darling. And great re-do on your old lamp! (Everyone should click on the pics to see even more, detailed pics and descriptions. So great!) Thanks!

  3. I wish my teensy tinsy apartment looked this great! Thanks for the ideas!

  4. So I have my grandmother's old bedroom set and thought it was on its last leg, but after seeing how you mod podged the dresser, I'm thinking it may yet have a little life in it! Thanks for the great idea, and for saving me some dough.

  5. What a great space...the little pops of color in every room, combining the boy/girl room decor carefully and well, the cleanliness...(I'm sure it always looks that clean, right? ;)
    Thanks for sharing your home with us :)

  6. Aw, thanks for all the nice-ness.

    Jonesy, that dresser is like 100 years old. My mom gave it to us when we got married. And we were going to toss it when we moved, but then I discovered Mod Podge Rocks.

    Joan, of course it always looks like this. Mwhahahahah!!!

  7. No KIDDING, that view is AMAZING!!! Thank you for sharing your cool house with us!
