Thursday, February 11, 2010

How to Make Your Own Candy Chocolates with Kitty of Fahrenheit 350

I'm so excited to be guest posting over here at a Bloom! I'm posting today about a wonderful family tradition my family has enjoyed for as long as I can remember: Making Chocolates. It doesn't have a fancy name, but it has a nice ring to it, especially for us Ouderkirks.

Making your own candy chocolates isn't as difficult as it sounds and is extremely rewarding. The process requires a few non negotiable staples, so that is where we will begin.
  • A heavy durable pan, ceramic, enamel, or waterless aluminum pan, minimum of 4" deep
  • A stand mixer with a kneading hook, such as a Bosch, or Kitchen Aid, with lid - or a very patient, strong upper arm
  • A marble slab, or a flat surface that will retain a cool temperature
The recipe is simple: one part liquid to two parts sugar.

With a 4" deep pan, mix 2 cups sugar with 1 cup water or heavy whipping cream, plus a scant amount of karo syrup - 1 teaspoon. Place all ingredients into your heavy pan, stir to combine and turn your heat to medium high, cover. Do not stir. When the mixture boils to the top of the pan, without going over, (5-7 minutes) remove lid and add 1 tablespoon butter.

Cook to hard ball stage, and immediately pour onto well buttered marble. Do not scrape pan.

Let cool to for 15-20 minutes. When ready, it will lift from the marble and stick to itself.

Transfer candy to your mixer, affix lid, and turn on high. While mixing, your candy will move through three distinct stages. Do not leave mixer unattended. This process can range from 10 minutes to 1 hour, depending on a number of variables.

The first, and longest stage is fairly close to the same consistency as when you poured the candy from the pan.

The second stage is hard and crumbly.

The third stage is smooth and creamy.

When candy has reached the third stage, transfer to a bowl or container and cover tightly. Let cure for a minimum of 3 days, in the refrigerator.

One batch will make approximately 30-40, ½ oz. chocolates. If you have a larger pan you can double, or triple the recipe.

Step 1: Complete!

For more detailed instructions, and some of the science behind the process, visit my blog: Fahrenheit 350° for Candy Making Step One, and Step Two.

After your candy has cured, the next step is where you can get creative.

For the second process, once again you will need a few key staples.
  • A stand mixer with a kneading hook, such as a Bosch, or Kitchen Aid, with lid
  • A chocolate warmer, or double boiler
Several hours in advance, remove your candy fondant from the fridge to warm up to room temperature. When room temperature, divide candy according to number of flavors you desire to create. Place individual sections of candy into the mixer and knead until candy is smooth. Once smooth, begin to add flavors; flavoring your candy is as simple as it sounds, but be careful not to add to much, or your candy may become either too sticky or too dry.

My favorites:
  • Brown Sugar, substitute brown sugar for white sugar during cooking
  • Strawberry, add strawberry jam
  • Orange Pecan, add fresh orange juice, orange zest and bits of pecans
  • Mint, add mint extract
  • Blueberry, add blueberry jam or fresh blueberries
  • Chocolate, add melted chocolate
  • Caramel Core, add vanilla extract and encase small balls of caramel in fondant

Clean bowl out after each flavor. Once all your fondant has been flavored, roll candy into equal shaped balls, (a kitchen scale comes in handy) place on wax paper, and refrigerate.

While your candy is chilling, prepare your chocolate by finely chopping it into small pieces. Place in chocolate warmer, or in double boiler on high until chocolate begins to melt. Reduce temperature to low and add chocolate, stirring to melt. Do not overheat your chocolate.

Prepare garnish to differentiate your dipped chocolates.

When ready, remove shaped and flavored fondant from refrigerator. Submerge candy into chocolate, remove and transfer to wax paper, sprinkle with garnish. Allow to dry completely, then transfer to paper candy cups.

Step 2: Complete!

Good luck! Feel free to email me if you have any questions!

Thank you so much, Kitty! What a great tradition--especially this time of year!


  1. Oh my gosh those look DIVINE!!!
    PS- Bloom, I have given you an award over at my blog. I simply cannot stay away, I love your blog! :D

  2. Those look amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I just stumbled across this,It was very informative.

  4. Those all look so good. I wish I had the equipment needed. One day I will get a stand mixer. Would a granite countertop work instead of a marble slab?

  5. A granite counter top would work fine, but I wouldn't suggest it. If you overcook your fondant, or you miss greasing part of your counter top you could potentially ruin a permanent fixture.

  6. Umm when can I buy some from you ??

  7. Wow...that looks hard and amazing! What a lucky Valentine you have!

    PS. I love your white chairs...really cute.

  8. What a cute little tradition and a great art form. Those look incredible!!!
