Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Handmade Christmas Gifts, the Boy Variety by BLOOM guest Sally

Last year I was so inspired by Anne's posts on handmade Christmas gifts that I began planning for this year's Christmas right away. I've made hand made gifts before, but usually just one or two, never all or most of them. I knew I would need all year to get everything done so I went to each family Christmas list and rotated all of the names down so I knew who I would be making gifts for this year. And of course I ended up with my teenage brother and one of my brother-in-laws.

Have you ever tried to come up with a handmade gift for a guy? It's not so easy. Most of the ideas circulating on the Internet are for women. Or, if you do come across a suggestion for a man it usually involves baking. So, I had to dig pretty deep, but I did come up with a few ideas.

Before I tell you about the gifts I made though, I want to make one thing very clear. You do not need amazing crafting skills to make any of these. The only thing you do need is a passion for creating and gift giving.

For the golf lover: A personalized golf towel. These things have a technical name, but I have no idea what it is, so I'm simply calling it a golf towel.

Supplies needed: A small hand towel in any color (mine is a little too big), an extra large grommet (found at any fabric store), a hammer

How to make the towel: Grommets are super easy. There is no sewing involved and all the instruction are on the package. I would put it in the top left corner. Then, you can personalize it by hand embroidering something on the bottom or if your lucky enough to know someone with an embroidery machine you can make it look really nice.

Something for any guy
: A duct tape wallet. This idea I did get off the Internet and it is perfect for my brother. Not only is it ridiculously easy, but it is super cheap. And just so you don't think I'm super cheap, I do plan on putting a gift card inside!

Supplies needed: Duct tape in any color. did you know duct tape came in lime green?

How to make the wallet: It would take me forever to type out the instructions so just click here for the ones I used.

For your sweetheart: Love coupons. When I was a kid my Dad would never tell us what he wanted for his birthday so we would make him coupons for back scratches. Now, my husband is exactly the same. His response for what do you want for Christmas? "I'm fine. Just get something for the kids." So, I pulled out the back scratch coupon idea and refined it a little.

Supplies needed: paper, scissors, glue

Obviously there is no set way you have to make these. Mine are pretty simple. And just to get you thinking ahead a little, these make great Valentines day gifts. Get creative with them!

For any little boy: An archery costume/set. So, I debated whether or not to even post this idea because 1) it's not actually all the way finished, and 2) I don't really have a tutorial for you to follow. There is some sewing skill needed for this one, but believe me, not much.

Supplies needed: green and brown flannel, a six dollar bow and arrow set from Wal-Mart, and an empty Pringles can.

How to make it: So here are my sorry excuse for instructions...

Basically I outlined one of his shirts and then cut it out slightly bigger to allow for seams. I added length to the bottom and flared it slightly so it would resemble a tunic. I'm not sure it really does, but what five year old will really care? I did not get fancy with this at all. The back has Velcro holding it together and I zigzag stitched all the raw edges.

For the quiver I just got out my hot glue gun and went to work. I still need to poke two holes in it and attach the leather string, so he can sling it over his back.

Again, I'm really sorry I don't have better instructions for this one. I hope I was able to give you a few ideas though for the men in your life.

No apologies necessary, Sally! You just filled our quiver with four fresh ideas! Thank you!

***P.S. The auction for Claire and Benson starts tomorrow morning! Please help us spread the word!


  1. The idea for the archery costume is great! The Pringles can quiver is brilliant!

  2. Great idea's Sally. The wallet turned out better than I had pictured. I think he'll love it.

  3. Great ideas! I now know what I'm putting my brothers gift card in. That duct tape wallet!

  4. those are great! I told my husband at least one of our gifts for each other had to be homemade, then I couldn't think of anything for him, so the wallet and golf towel ideas were so helpful! Thanks!

  5. I absolutely love that you did all these boy ideas, Sally, because I was just feeling like "oh well, I guess I'll have to buy presents for the men..." Such great and practical ideas. The archery costume is my fave!


  6. Okay, I just have to son made his wallet out of packing tape. You could see everything in it. He said it was fun to see people's faces when he pulled it out.

  7. SO nice to have someone talking about options for the boys - they're the trickiest! Thanks, Sally.
