Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Show & Tell

* Truly sorry for the technical difficulty/confusion with this post this morning. We had decided to postpone it (feeling like there is so much going on right now), but the post was accidentally published (ie I forgot to un-schedule it - derrr!) and we've already had a few of you respond with pictures...so, Christmas Show-n-Tell '09 is back on, friends!

Did you love show and tell in elementary school?
So did we.

We thought it would be fun to share Christmas cheer here at Bloom - a little holiday show-n-tell.

Here's how we'll do it:

You e.mail us a picture or two of your favorite corners of your Christmas house - we'd love to see your advent calendar, your front door, your perfect wreath, your mantle - any of the spots in your home that you've infused with holiday cheer. If your decor is handmade, include a link back to tutorials on your blogs for the projects you've done.

We know this is a crazy time of year, and snapping pictures of your decor may not make it to the top of your to-do list. We understand. If you want to participate - Great. Fun. If not...no worries. E.mail us {aplacetobloom at gmail dot com} and we'll post everything we receive on Monday, December 7th.

1 comment:

  1. okay. i. love. your. blog. I added it to my list of blogs I heart, and I want to enter your little show and tell. What a fun idea.
