Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Beat the January Doldrums!

Whenever I wake up and the calendar says December 26th, I sigh.


That has got to be the most depressing day of the year!

And, quite frankly, that attitude often lasts all through January. I mean, honestly, what does January have to offer me? It's cold. I haven't skied for a decade. It's too early to decorate for Valentine's Day. Blech. (Am I being dramatic enough to get my point across? ;)

Then, a couple of years ago, I read a blog post by my brilliant friend, Lori, that inspired me to grab January by the horns and make it rad.

-For your littles-
Lori's post about "jazzing up January" is HERE. Read it! She will inspire you to create an advent-type January game for your little ones that will majorly bring January out of gloom and doom territory. Also, check out her follow-up post detailing some of their January fun HERE.

-For your older children-
I asked some mothers of older children for some January-depression-proof suggestions:

* Go bowling (seems that children of all ages love to bowl)
* Read a chapter book out loud together
* Go rollerskating
* Don't be afraid to play outside - even if it is snowing. Just get out! Take them to a vacant parking lot (a church, perhaps?) and let them have a snowball fight while you sit in the toasty car with a good book.
* Check out winter-themed books from the library
* Fill a spray bottle with colored water and draw pictures in the snow
* Use sheets & boxes to build a fort inside your house
* Also check out this page of ideas from Family Fun - a great resource for winter entertainment

-For YOU-
Our list of doldrum-beaters:
*Plan a hot night out with your sweetheart. Get gussied up, put your favorite scarf on, dare to wear lipstick! Make it something to look forward to all week.

*Plan a Girls' Night with some friends. Watch the girlie movie you've been dying to see (you know your husband won't mind if you see it without him!), go out for hot chocolate, or go out and sing karaoke! (I have a major testimony of Karaoke!)

*Set aside a few hours to do something you've been wanting to do, but always push aside for other things. Read a novel, give yourself a pedi, work on a new project, take a bubbly bath.

Now everybody say it with me.

Bring it on, January!


More ideas? Pray, tell!


  1. Oh yeah Karaoke - I have always wanted to but havent found anyone to go with. Need some names of good places in Portland. Any suggestions?

  2. I never see January as "doldrums." I like it. It's a fresh new year. Time to make changes, pursue new goals, and make each year better than the last. Actually, I get more "ugh" during December... it's so hectic. I like the relaxing emptiness of January. It's refreshing. Time to enjoy life as it is every day. No jazzing up necessary. (But Lori, I always do love your posts and ideas, ;) rommie.)

  3. oh, I love January! I'm a goal-setter and a list-maker, so I look at it as an opportunity to really evaluate and overhaul. Plus Dec. 26th is my anniversary, so that helps to keep the holiday spirit going. :-)

    I really do like this idea though of continuing the winter fun, especially since we didn't get to a lot of our "usual" Christmas activities with a new baby. A couple of our favorites:

    Throw a sledding party (with lots of hot chocolate and goodies when everyone tromps in to warm up).

    Go ice skating on a date.

    Sign up for a fun new class: right now I'm trying to decide between quilting, ballet, and yoga (this is also a great way to renew yourself at the end of a long day with the little ones!)

  4. I too am in the post-Christmas doldrums. Ugh. Once we get into the new year I think I'll perk up a little bit. My daughter and I did rollerskate a few weeks ago and I HIGHLY recommend it! You can read about it in my blog...
    I love the calender you have pictured...did you make it?

  5. I do my spring cleaning in January, because frankly, who wants to stay inside and clean when springtime comes? I also like to use this time to reorganize a little and rework our space for a brand new year. I am very excited to read some of your family fun links :)

  6. I do my spring cleaning in January too. And on the really boring day's I make a hop scotch on my kitchen floor, it keeps my little boys entertained for hours. :D

  7. I agree with every word of your post. That is how I feel! Although I do love the freshness of a new year to set goals, organize, and prioritize. Thanks for the tips, I plan to use them all!!

  8. I hate January also. Done with the "yeah it is all snowy and cold" and ready for spring!

    But this year I decided to dedicate January to giving by taking on the "29 Days of Giving". My kids and I will be taking on lots of crafts to give to others and activities to brighten someone elses day. Join us!

    Visit www.bylittlehands.com

  9. I totally was just thinking how I'm going to make it through January, thanks for the ideas. It's always hard to get out when it's so cold outside, brrr. Makes me want to hybernate.

  10. I like the idea of using January as a fresh-start/get organized month - it could really be quite productive and energizing, right? Doldrums bedanged!

    Thanks for all your great suggestions, guys!

  11. Hey, Dec 26 is my birthday....not the most depressing day of the year. Maybe next year you can plan a sweet online birthday party for me. Fun ideas.

  12. So I know it's May now, but your May post linked to this post and I love the calendar in this photo! Where is it from? So so cute!
