Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Recipes

My favorite holiday to do with the in-laws? THANKSGIVING. And I'll tell you why. Because they are seriously passionate about food. (I fit in quite nicely.) We're not food snobs. We just really love to eat. And we love the process. So for us, Thanksgiving looks like this:

*Wake up
*Cook together all morning (Every family member has an assignment and we're all stuffed (see below!) into the kitchen together. So fun!)
*Get out for a hike or a game of ultimate frisbee
*Get prettied up (the people and the tables)
*Lie around and chat
(Did you notice the lack of televised football? Do you love my in-laws or what?!)

Usually I sign up for roll and pie duty. But this year I'm ready to add some side dishes to my repertoire. I've spent some time tearing pages out of my November magazines, and here is what I'm going to try this year...

This Broccoli and Gruyere Gratin from Real Simple
These Chardonnay Glazed Carrots from Better Homes and Gardens

And for pies this year I'm deciding between...

This Chocolate-Pecan Tart from Martha Stewart
This Maple Pumpkin Pie from Real Simple

Links to recipes you're making this year? Please share!


  1. I'm not making anything! We're just showing up at my SIL's in-laws and eating. But if I did make something, I would love to try a few of these - YUM! Maybe next year. And love that they don't watch football. football is no fun to watch, in my opinion.

  2. Since it's just our own little family this year, I'm trying out all new recipes that look like winners! Thank you, Food Network.

    This turkey:

    These potatoes:

    This dressing:

    This pie:

    Mmmmmm. Good Eats.

  3. Yes, I love your in laws ;)
    I am baking the apple, blackberry pie from Living...and our family tradition: banana cream.

  4. I love thanksgiving as well because I too am passionate about food. However our Thanksgiving does include televised football...and I LOVE it. It wouldn't be thanksgiving for me without it. To each their own I guess!

  5. Over here in the Netherlands, I made the chocolate pecan pie from Martha - it was a huge success. I hope yours was too.

  6. Jenn,
    I am sure if it was a tradition, I could get into football!

    Hooray for your successful pecan pie! My husband ended up taking over that project and added his own twist. It turned out to have chocolate and caramel with a touch of sea salt. YUM!
