Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It's hard to neatly define what we intend to do here on day one.
We imagine there will be a lot of evolving taking place
and we're as curious as you are to see what this grows into.
Here's what we know at the outset...

"Home is the definition of God; a place of infinite power"
Emily Dickinson

We believe that. We also believe that it takes a mighty effort to make it so.
We believe in making the effort.

We also believe in:
mindful parenting
whole foods
creative play (for children)
creative outlets (for their parents)
graceful living
great books
home making
finding your passion
keeping your sparkle
"Living the life you've imagined" (a la Henry David Thoreau)

We also believe in authenticity. And sustainability. We're not above scrambled eggs for dinner. Or going to the grocery store in yesterday's make-up. We believe in using what you have and being who you are. We believe there's more than one right way to do most things. We believe in practicality over frivolity, and that even the simplest life can be beautiful.

Lastly, we believe in evolution - that getting from where we are to what we imagine is a process.

Our invitation:
Bloom with us!

Today at Bloom:

Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

Later this week at Bloom:
Why Read With Your Children? {Plus a giveaway!}
Getting Organized: One Touch
Back To School Snack


  1. hurray! I am so excited to see this up and running!

  2. Lovely, lovely, and lovely. Congratulations, you guys. And good luck!

  3. I am excited to see more your your creativity. Each of you inspire me as I begin my journey of motherhood. good luck!

  4. I am so excited! What an insperation!

  5. I love this! Thanks for sharing your gift for finding and appreciating the prettiness in life, girls! I'll be here often!

  6. well, you too have been busy secret bees! can't wait to see more!

  7. I love it! Exciting! I'm excited to read more!

  8. So excited to see it up and running. Can't wait for all to come. Good job girls!

  9. Seriously? Anne and Emily in the same place? How could this not be fantastic?!

  10. so great girls! maybe you can make a real housewife out of me come my imminent betrothal...

  11. I'm excited to start reading. Will you be giving away some of your delicious cupcakes?

  12. YAY! I am so happy this is finally up and running! I had a hard time not telling everyone about it! Header looks good. Let me know what else I can do for you!

  13. Oh, this blog is going to be a WINNER! I love reading both of your blogs.

  14. Pretty much a dream come true, this blog! SO PROUD of you two for making it happen. Love your bios. And love your introductory post - so beautiful, and inspiring, and simple, and real, just like both of you!

    Hooray for you!!! And for all of us who get to enjoy+learn!

  15. I echo Tina's sentiments exactly: Anne + EM = em-anne-azing! haha. SO cheesy!
    I love seeing you two collaborate. Yay for new ventures!

  16. I need this. wish I had created it. excited to be inspired. thank you.

  17. Sounds like a blog right up my alley :)

  18. Em, I really love this, what a great name for what each of us are trying, every day, to do. As mothers, as wives, as children, as daughters of God. Thanks for sharing your beauty with your friends, you are definitely a flower in my garden! I love it!


  19. Love it! Love it! How do I participate?

  20. Just came across your blog through Kalli's post. Love the idea! Will be checking back regularly!

  21. Just found your blog and can I just tell you how excited about it I am?? Yay!! I'm so glad to have found it, I'll be a regular!!!

  22. I just found your site/blog. How exciting. I am thankful that you are revitalizing sound parenting skills and daily living. I have 2 grown daughters with lives of their own. I teach and volunteer with children and have realized many parents do not have sound parenting skills.


  23. Well said. I couldn't agree more with every single word. Can't wait to check out your blog. Just found it today via Kirsten Krason.
